Social Media | creativeworld design - marketing - new media Fri, 01 Dec 2023 14:56:33 +0000 en-GB hourly 1 Social Media | creativeworld 32 32 Oral Health – Lancashire County Council Mon, 27 Nov 2023 16:41:46 +0000

Did you know it’s never too early to start brushing? This is the message Lancashire County Council tasked us with promoting across the areas in Lancashire suffering with poor oral health in children.

In some areas of Lancashire over 40% of children have decayed or missing teeth by the time they are five years old. That’s a worrying statistic! So, what can be done to change it?

Lancashire County Council Public Health’s ‘Let’s Get Lancashire Brushing’ Campaign aims to target families living in Preston, Burnley, Pendle, Hyndburn, and Morecambe who have children under the age of two. Through powerful graphics and effective messaging, families with young children are being motivated to start brushing their child’s teeth, twice a day, as early as possible.

Oral Health - David, Sakthi, Rachael

The campaign aims to achieve a reduction in the number of decayed, missing and filled teeth in children, a reduction in hospital admissions related to oral health and an improvement of oral health for children from birth to five years old to provide them with the best start in life.

Our strategy included educational resources in the form of leaflets, information cards and posters, digital assets including email signatures and screensavers, display material to be utilised at events such as the Family Hub launches, a thorough social media advertising plan and external advertising through bus shelters across the campaigns key target areas.

Our own David Bennett joined the Oral Health campaign launch. Attending the launches at Family Hubs across Lancashire, the Oral Health stand offered a chance for families to gain knowledge around the campaign as well as the opportunity to receive educational resources and promotional items in the form of toothbrush packs and sippy cups.

The oral health of children is vital for them to live a healthy and happy life. They need their teeth for eating, drinking, smiling, talking, singing, and shouting. This does not happen on its own and they need your help to look after their teeth. So, remember brush twice a day, fight tooth decay and keep those bugs at bay!

For more information about the campaign or for Health Marketing expertise, please get in contact by either calling us on 01282 858200 or emailing us at

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Transform Your School’s Marketing with Creativeworld Education Wed, 18 Oct 2023 15:31:09 +0000 Unlock your Potential: Transform Your School’s Marketing with Creativeworld Education


In today’s fast-paced educational landscape, marketing plays a pivotal role in shaping the success of any school. If you’re seeking ways to boost enrolment and engage with your audience, your search stops here.

Our track record speaks for itself; we specialise in increasing enrolment and driving engagement for schools. With the right strategies and a passionate team, we’ve consistently achieved remarkable results in the educational sector.

But how can Creativeworld help take your school to the next level? Let’s explore the possibilities together.


UK School stock photo

The Creativeworld Advantage


1. Enrolment Growth

We understand that the enrolment numbers are a key indicator of your school’s success. Creativeworld has a proven history of increasing enrolment rates in various educational institutions. Through tailored marketing strategies and innovative campaigns, we can help your school reach it’s full potential.


2. Enhanced Engagement

Engaging with your target audience is crucial in building a strong school community. At Creativeworld, we’ve mastered the art of creating content and campaigns that captivate and connect. Whether it’s prospective students, parents, or alumni, our approach ensures your school’s message is heard and embraced.


3. Tailored Solutions

No two schools are the same, and we understand that your institution has unique goals and challenges. Our team will work closely with you to develop tailored marketing solutions that align with your school’s vision and mission.


Our Services: 


Strategic Marketing:

We provide comprehensive strategic marketing services, helping educational institutions develop long-term marketing plans, set clear objectives, and align their marketing efforts with their broader business strategies.



We specialise in crafting unique and compelling brand identities for educational institutions. Our branding services help you establish a strong and memorable presence in the education sector.

Here is an example of the branding we did for Education Partnership Trust.


Design & Print:

Our team of creative professionals design visually appealing marketing materials, from brochures to banners. We also offer high-quality printing services, ensuring your materials look stunning in both digital and physical formats.

Here is an example of the prospectus design we did for De La Salle School.


Website & Apps:

We develop and design user-friendly, responsive websites and mobile applications tailored to the needs of educational organisations. These digital platforms enhance your online presence and engage your audience effectively.

Here is an example of the website design we did for Ribblesdale High School.

Here is an example of the app we developed for Student Castle.


Digital Marketing:

We employ a range of digital marketing strategies, including SEO, content marketing, and social media management, to promote your educational services and reach a wider audience online. Our expertise drives growth and engagement.


Display Materials:

We create eye-catching display materials, such as signage, posters, and trade show exhibits, to make a lasting impression at events and at your school. These materials help convey your message and capture attention.


Video & Photography:

Our skilled videographers and photographers capture the essence of your educational institution. Whether for promotional videos or photoshoots, we produce visual content that showcases your unique qualities and tells your story effectively.


Check out our Creativeworld Education Spotlight

Contact Us Today

Ready to embark on a journey of educational transformation? Contact us, and let’s discuss how Creativeworld can make a difference for your school.

📞 Phone: 01282 858200

✉️ Email:

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Back to School: Content Marketing 2022/2023 Wed, 21 Sep 2022 11:16:54 +0000 Back To School Content Marketing 2022 2023

Back To School Content Marketing 2022 2023

Back to school! The summer holidays are officially over and it’s time to think about marketing for the academic school year ahead. So, one of the first considerations when approaching your marketing strategy should be getting your content calendar together. In this blog we’ve put together a few tips for getting started with your marketing calendar.


The most crucial element of your marketing strategy is ultimately who you are aiming your content at. It’s worth sitting down and really considering what your audience is invested in learning and most importantly why they would want to engage with your school. A great way to do this is to develop several ‘personas’ which will help you identify the kind of content you should be sharing.

A persona is a portrait of your ideal audience that connects with them as real people with real interests and real daily pressures.

When creating your personas consider the demographics, behaviours, motivations and their goals. The more detailed these are, the better understanding you will get about your audience so you can tailor content towards them. Learn more about your audience by investing time to uncover what you may not know about them; this can include 1:1 interviews, social listening, online surveys and open conversations which will really help you to understand your audience’s environment and the best method of communicating with them.

Key events and dates:

There will be countless opportunities to create content and produce marketing collateral around key events and dates which occur throughout the year. However, with your personas in shape, this will help add more detail. When mapping out key events and dates in your 2022/2023 content calendar, don’t just stop at your school dates, consider other popular hashtag holidays or events that your audience may engage with. For example, #thankateacherday, #randomactsofkindnessday. There are loads of online tools which can help you highlight key dates across the year.

Story framework

With your audience in shape and key dates mapped out, you’re ready to set the framework out to tell your school’s story over the next year. This framework will give direction to all your content and ultimately tell the story that your school wants to tell. It will echo your schools’ values which are unique to your school and set you apart from the competition.

Need some more advice on your school’s marketing for the year ahead? Get in touch with our Education experts.

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How to develop social media content for your school Thu, 10 Jun 2021 15:00:27 +0000 Social media content for schools

Social media, the main source of news?

When first looking at developing social media content for your school, it’s best to start looking at why people are on there in the first place. The answer is simple, they’re there for engaging content. Social media has now become the main source of news for many, whether it be on Facebook, Twitter or even Snapchat. Either way, it’s clear that social media has students and parents (as much as they’d hate to admit it) captivated, so if your school is ignoring it, you may be missing a vital part of your communications strategy.

It’s a part of us

Like it or not, social media has integrated into many people’s daily lives, some argue it has even become an addiction. For example, 75% of university students admit to being on Twitter “all the time” ( and are even using the micro-blogging site as a forum to share content, encourage debate and answer queries, with some teachers even setting up hashtags for individual courses to create online discussion communities for their students.

How can you develop social media content for your school?

There are so many ways in which your institution can use social media. However, social media is never a ‘quick fix’. It takes time and effort to develop a social media strategy. Parents and students will go on social media for engaging content, and with our short attention spans forever dwindling, your strategy definitely needs to evoke some kind of reaction. Really think about why students come to your school/college and use it. Gone are the days of boring newsletters which are in reality, thrown in the bin once they arrive at home. It’s time to try and be more engaging with your audience.


Here are a few things you can do:

  • Start incorporating videos of events, open days or assembly themes.
  • Update news in real time (aided by visuals) on Facebook and Twitter
  • Event planning way in advance to get the word out
  • Update about urgent alerts, for example, snow days – usually easier than updating the website
  • Sharing student successes such as sporting/academic achievements
  • Be active, have a few admins on the page so you can be responsive in real time – this looks great to parents and encourages interaction
  • Get involved with discussions such as awareness days or national days which are being celebrated – this will show how passionate your school is and give the teachers a chance to shine in their areas.

So, there we have it. A few tips about getting involved in the world of social media. However, if you’re feeling that you need some support, get in touch with our friendly social media team at

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Tips for Schools on Social Media Fri, 07 May 2021 13:02:08 +0000 Tips for Schools on Social Media

So, you’ve been told time and time again that your school should be on social media, but with school budgets being tight, being understaffed and overstretched it can be quite the task to remain consistent and keep on top of your social media strategy. Which is why we’ve decided to write this blog to give you a few pointers to help you with your strategy.

Using Facebook groups

Facebook’s algorithms have changed quite a lot within the past couple of years. It’s becoming harder and harder to get your organic content out there to your desired audience. This is where Facebook groups can come in handy. You can create groups for a specific audience, for example; parents. The benefit of this is every time a message is posted in a group, everyone in that group receives a notification (if they haven’t opted out) – it also gives a closer sense of a relationship between school and parents and can make them feel more involved, it’s like creating a community.  It’s best for keeping everyone in the loop. You can invite people to join via email with a message as to why you’ve invited them.

Combatting negative Reviews

This is something we get asked about a lot. Can you delete negative reviews on Facebook? The answer is no, you can’t. What’s the best way around this? Be a step ahead of the game and flood out the negative with the positive. Build up your community and the hard work should pay off, encourage parents and students to leave reviews, don’t do a mass callout though, build on the individual relationships and ask in person. Another way to tackle a negative review is to try and resolve the issue offline. Get in contact, set up a meeting and deal with the grievance. Once the issue is resolved, ask the user politely to remove the review. It’s always best to resolve these matters offline as you want to avoid a social media war where possible.

How to social media content for your school

How can I use Paid social?

Paid social media, especially on Facebook is a great way to reach local parents and potential students. As we mentioned earlier, it’s getting harder to reach a new audience organically, so sponsoring posts can be a great way to generate exposure for your school.

How can we keep our content engaging?  

To avoid content getting stale, it’s a good idea to try and engage with your audience in creative ways such as with caption competitions, asking students about their favourite lessons/memories at the school. Another consideration is staff/student takeovers of certain social media accounts for specific school events, these can be really easy to organise and can be a good way to keep content fresh and give a good feel of what your school is like.

Whatever you’re posting, try and make it as visually engaging as you can.

Check out our blog about developing a social media strategy for your school here.

For more about our education services click here.


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Social Media Day 2019: Tips For Businesses Fri, 28 Jun 2019 09:29:22 +0000

Social media is now a behemoth in the advertising world. As of July 2018, there have been more than 4.1 billion active internet users and 3.3 billion social media users. It’s absolutely ingrained into our everyday lives and for some, it could be argued that it’s growing into an addiction. Having said that, social media also harnesses many positives which, when used correctly by businesses, can have great results when it comes to customer relations and brand perception. So, to celebrate world social media day here’s a few tips we think businesses can use to harness the power of social media effectively if you’re not doing so already!

There are no one-size fits all solution:

This is an important one, no two company’s social media campaigns/strategies are the same. What works for someone else’s business may not work for yours, so the best place to start is going to the root of what you are trying to achieve, define who your audience is and what they want/why they would engage with you, then see how you can add value to them online. Ultimately, no one goes on social media to be sold to; think about why you are there and what you can offer as opposed to aimlessly selling to your audience. Test your strategy and adjust it as you go along. Social media can be a lot of trial and error, the likelihood is you’re going to have to do a bit of testing as you go along so don’t be scared to dip your toes in and try something new.

Prioritise platforms:

There’s no point being on as many social media platforms as you can. When it comes to social, more isn’t better and splitting out your efforts over several platforms and not really being consistent on any of them is a waste of time. Think about where your audience is spending their time and how you can use that platform to reach them. Again, there is no one size fits all solution to this, research what will work for you.

Plan your content:

If you’re stuck on where to start with social media, it’s good to plan ahead; obviously social media requires a lot of ‘in-the-moment’ reaction and engagement but planning your content around certain hashtag holidays and important events (relevant to your business) are great ways to drive engagement and spark conversation with your audience. Most importantly, being organised like this will help you map out content.

Making Your Social Media Marketing Strategy Visual


We’ve touched on this before, but messages with visuals are far more engaging than just text. Try and be as visual as possible with your messages, play with video, whether it be live in the moment from your mobile to producing a professional showreel (if you have the budget). Video is a far more engaging way to reach your audience, so try and think about how you can incorporate it into your marketing strategy.

Our latest social media blogs:

The Power of the Selfie

Tips for Schools on Social Media

More more information about our social media services get in touch on:

Phone: 01282 858200


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The Power of the Selfie Thu, 20 Jun 2019 12:48:40 +0000 The word or act of taking a ‘selfie’ is commonly associated with arrogance and can be dismissed by some as a narcissistic tool to further fuel someone’s ego in order to get more likes on an Instagram post. Yes…sometimes this is the case…but when used in the right way, the selfie can be a powerful tool.

On the 3rd March 2014, you may remember Ellen DeGeneres taking a certain selfie at a certain ceremony that happened to become one of the most retweeted pictures of all time with a whopping 3,270,934 retweets and 2,311,858 likes. What you might not know is that this ‘spontaneous’ selfie moment was actually planned…kind of. Ellen planned to take a selfie with Meryl Streep in the rehearsal of the ceremony and in the moment, live on air, Angelina Jolie, Brad Pitt, Lupita Nyong’o, Julia Roberts, Jared Leto, Kevin Spacey and Bradley Cooper all decided to join in. We’re obviously not telling you to hire a bunch of actors to boost your exposure, what we’re saying is a simple selfie can break down the corporate barriers of your business and make you seem more human to your audience.

The Byroms

Our amazing partners from All4Maternity, Sheena and Anna Byrom, are huge advocates of the selfie, using it at conferences and meetings as a way of sharing milestones and important moments with their audience. Sheena herself is one of the most influential midwives in the world online. This is because she has put in an incredible amount of hard work to be a leading mind in her industry and in the process has built a brand around herself. It’s a transparency which is hard to emulate and because she is so real and emits a refreshing positivity, it ultimately encourages engagement and loyalty from her following. So long as you’re authentic with your approach, it will resonate with your audience.

Here’s what Sheena had to say about embracing the selfie:

‘I found it hard at first doing selfie’s as I was brought up in a time where we were encouraged not to draw attention to ourselves. But I felt the fear and did it anyway, capturing moments and sharing them to raise awareness of issues, or simply to let others experience the moment too, if they are interested! ‘

To conclude, a few selfies used in the right context, mixed with authenticity, can really help build a brand, and on world selfie day, we want to celebrate that.

Takeaways from the power of the selfie:

  • Selfies promote transparency
  • Selfies help break down corporate barriers
  • Selfies encourage engagement
  • Selfies aren’t all that bad
  • Selfies are a powerful tool

Our latest Social Media Blog: Tips for Schools on Social Media

For more social media support get in touch on 


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Creativeworld Partners with the NHS Quit Squad to Launch Smokefree Sidelines Campaign Tue, 22 Jan 2019 11:49:47 +0000 Creativeworld kickstarts the year by launching the NHS Quit Squad’s Smokefree Sidelines campaign.

The team at Creativeworld was absolutely delighted to see the launch of the Quit Squad’s #SmokeFreeSidelines in Penwortham. The new initiative focuses on denormalising smoking at grassroots sporting events in the hope of creating a healthy, shared space for young people and families.

On launch day, 54 games were played in the Mid Lancs Colts Junior League, which meant approximately 800 young people were able to play football without the sight of parents and coaches smoking or the effects of second-hand smoke.

Smokefree Sidelines Cortex Boards designed by Creativeworld

As a result of previous marketing support provided by Creativeworld, the Quit Squad service saw an overall increase in service awareness and recognition of the brand through utilising the Quit Squad concept in all resources. Having seen these results, the Quit Squad approached Creativeworld for their Smokefree Sidelines project as they knew they could deliver. This time the team created a new brand identity to be used across various marketing channels and produced the artwork for sideline boards, banners, bibs and posters to help increase awareness of the new campaign.

Can you kick it? Quit Squad Smokefree Sidelines

Gareth Beck, Team Manager, Lancashire Tobacco & Nicotine Addiction Treatment Service (Quit Squad) had this to say about working with Creativeworld:

‘I’m excited to be working with Creativeworld on another Quit Squad campaign. Their attention to detail and professional service makes the whole process very efficient. We look forward to seeing many more grassroots leagues and clubs from all sports in Lancashire join the new initiative on the back of this campaign.’

If your children, nephews or nieces play any grassroots sports and you’d like to know how the Quit Squad could support your club or league then get in touch with the Quit Squad on 0800 328 6297

Need marketing support for your next health campaign? Get in touch with the experts by calling 01282 858200

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Your December Social Media Calendar 2018 Mon, 03 Dec 2018 14:16:16 +0000 We can finally say it…Christmas is nearly here! ?

And so, the countdown to the big C begins! Most businesses will be winding down for Christmas this year and their marketing plans for the new year should be set in place (If not make sure you give us a call ?) December always dishes out the goods for social media content, speaking of which, we’re SO ready for Christmas jumper day on the 14th which is a golden opportunity to get the staff to show off their best crimbo jumpers! Maybe even the opportunity for a competition? Which hashtag holidays are you going to be jumping on this month?

Your December Social media Calendar 2018

Any Ninjas in the office? 

The 5th of December marks the 20-day countdown to Christmas but more importantly for some, it’s #WorldNinjaDay, any secret martial artists in the office? Or does an employee have ninja sales skills which deserve to be shouted about? Also, be sure to check employees for nunchucks and samurai swords on their way into work…

A month of amazing food ?

December marks a fantastic month of amazing food, with #NationalCookieDay on the 4th, #NationalBrownieDay on the 8th, #NationalPastryDay on the 9th and let’s not forget the countless pictures of Christmas dinners on Instagram on the 25th. It’s safe to say that there’s plenty of content to be cooking up this month.

Christmas ?

Of course, at the end of the month, we have Christmas and all the activities surrounding it that makes it so special. Be sure to think about plenty of content for the month such as; thank you messages to clients and employees who have made the year extra great and of course some (appropriate) pictures from the Christmas do. At Creativeworld, our new recruits always put up the Christmas tree so be sure to watch out on our Twitter, Facebook and Instagram for that content going live VERY soon…

So here is your November Social Media Calendar for 2018

Here’s to another excellent year ahead! As ever, if you need any marketing support; including website design, social media support or print management, be sure to get in touch!

From Creativeworld, we hope you all have an amazing Christmas and New Year.


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Your November Social Media Calendar 2018 Thu, 01 Nov 2018 10:30:07 +0000 Here we are. November.

That came around quick didn’t it? Halloween is over, but we feel that some of our colleagues are still wearing their costumes to work today? Anyway, what do we have to play with this month on social? Here’s your November Social Media Calendar.

November Social Calendar

Fancy cooking for your pets? ?

Every month we see some pretty bizarre hashtags on social media, but this one really takes the kibble. Have you ever met someone whose pet eats better than you? Well, the 1stof November is definitely a day for them as its #CookForYourPetsDay, also a day which some of the crazy cat people here will certainly be relishing in. Does anyone in your office feed their pets outlandishly good food? Maybe join in the conversation then!

Remember remember the 5thof November…?

How can we possibly forget when that line was patronisingly pumped into our heads from being little? Is there a local bonfire near you? Why not go as a team and get some great #BonfireNight content to go out? There will be plenty of great video content opportunities to be had, such trying to see who can write their name fastest with a sparkler!

A big month for deals…

Towards the end of the month, there are some hugely important days for your business if you’re in the B2C game. Yes, #BlackFriday and #CyberMonday are looming closer! These are days that hold massive opportunities to get new customers by promoting deals on social media, definitely not one to miss! Even if you’re a B2B company, think about what you could offer clients on these dates. Also, a great opportunity to snap up some reasonably priced Christmas presents…I know I said the C word!

There’s plenty of conversation to get involved with this month. Which dates are you going to save for your social media calendar? Let us know!

Download your November Social Media calendar here

Feeling a bit lost on social? We can help you! Get in touch for a free consultation on how Creativeworld can help with your social media strategy.

Call us on 01282 858200

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