Marketing | creativeworld design - marketing - new media Fri, 21 Jul 2023 09:41:17 +0000 en-GB hourly 1 Marketing | creativeworld 32 32 Happy 75th birthday to the NHS! Wed, 05 Jul 2023 16:19:04 +0000


I’ve been there since day 2… 53 years ago and even now spend time relying on them to keep me healthy. There arenmany organisations or people you trust 100% but the NHS is one you can fully rely on. That’s why it’s so important.

NHS 75 Years

I’ve also been involved in partnering clients in the NHS for 25 years. From the early days of “we must have an annual report “, through to the introduction of social marketing campaigns, self care awareness and right up to now where we are trying to support and educate citizens and health care professionals as to how we can improve outcomes, support people to live longer, improve the health and well-being of everyone, not just citizens, but the staff working in the NHS who need to be on top of their game every day.

The changes are dramatic sometimes , I’ve seen it all. The shift from community health trusts to PCTs to CCGs to ICBs ( think I’ve even missed a few along the way!)

But the focus on population health has never been clearer, with more evidence from data, evidence from stakeholder engagement and public insights – we are able to amplify the right educational messages into the right places, but we still lack the tools, resources and workforce to do this and sometimes a lack of sustainability-the not knowing what’s around the corner.

The need to improve people’s quality of lives and their mental health is at an all time high (it would seem through the evidence and investments into mental health) and this has changed the way we all approach our everyday lives. Not a day goes past without me asking “How are you keeping?” And If someone asks me – I tell them how I’m feeling – and yes I’ve had a rough and uncertain few months with my health, but I’m a positive thinker and trust the NHS to support me to have a good quality of life…

So in 25 years I thought I’d share some insights into the amazing programmes of work and where we (clients/partners/providers/creative thinkers) have made a difference and I still get a buzz from the audience insights we receive and applying them to a project and seeing the impact and results it brings – but sometimes these successes are short term as they lack further funding or resources… which is a shame as every programme of work needs – a goal, commitment, people, funding, community involvement, partnerships, resources, educational support , time and communications through every touching point ..

Together we can all do our bit…

So here’s some of my favourite projects from 25 years …


Primary care Trust newsletters …. The amazing Katie Lockley would produce a monthly newsletter that would be shared across all stakeholders and healthcare locations – where better to read the latest updates and how you can look after your health whilst waiting to see a GP or in a healthcare setting. Katie produced this every month for the local PCT. Amazing!

Creation of an NHS dental finder for a number of regions, simple process, search for a NHS dentist in your preferred location , the search would find availability, location , contact details etc. simple really but effective – the opportunity to develop this was there, however changes happen and sadly it was never recommissioned .. it may well be available now across ICB land somewhere, surely there’s a need for this if there isn’t one, especially for new parents looking to get their baby or infant starting their lifetime journey with a dentist.

International recruitment for one of our local Trusts, recruiting consultants across Europe, Asia – not forgetting the display system being quarantined in India, luckily we had a back up plan.

But the essential recruitment needs for each organisation is there for us all to see and is paramount to improving services, some are battling for the same people – it’s a challenge for all providers to recruit, retain and re-energise the workforce. Recently we delivered a digital comms campaign to support care homes to recruit new staff , focusing on the benefits and real life experiences of those working in the sector – this was delivered in partnership with the Lancashire and south Cumbria health and care partnership, in which our remit was to involve care home providers to assist with the whole campaign process, insight , interviews, stories and sharing of the campaign.

Homecare Recruitment


NHS Talking Therapies Recruitment Campaign.

Ella Recruitment GifSteven Recruitment Gif












Our work with maternity services has seen is work in partnership with the amazing team at All4maternity to educate international recruits whilst in their own settings.


Once again, Happy 75th Birthday to the NHS and a big thank you for everything you have done – it also co-incides nicely with my birthday! Cakes all around – as long as they are Gluten Free!


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The Importance of Stakeholder Engagement in Healthcare Marketing Fri, 16 Jun 2023 11:19:51 +0000 Effective healthcare marketing requires a deep understanding of the needs, preferences, and behaviours of your target audience. However, in the complex world of healthcare, the target audience can include a wide range of stakeholders, including patients, caregivers, healthcare providers, policymakers, and advocacy groups. Each of these stakeholders has a unique perspective, and their insights are crucial to developing a campaign that resonates with the intended audience. 

Stakeholder engagement also helps to build trust and credibility. By involving stakeholders in the campaign development process, you demonstrate a commitment to transparency, collaboration, and shared decision-making. This can help to build buy-in and support for the campaign and increase the likelihood of success. 



Tips for Effective Stakeholder Engagement in Healthcare Marketing:

  1. Identify Your Stakeholders: The first step in effective stakeholder engagement is to identify who your stakeholders are. This can include patients, caregivers, healthcare providers, payers, policymakers, advocacy groups, and others. Consider what each stakeholder group brings to the table and how they can contribute to the campaign.
  2. Develop a Communication Plan: Once you have identified your stakeholders, you need to develop a plan for communicating with them. This can include regular meetings, email updates, newsletters, and other forms of communication. Be sure to tailor your communication to the needs and preferences of each stakeholder group.

  3. Listen to Feedback: One of the most important aspects of stakeholder engagement is listening to feedback. This means actively soliciting input from stakeholders and incorporating their feedback into the campaign development process. This can help to ensure that the campaign is aligned with the needs and priorities of the intended audience.
  4. Build Relationships: Effective stakeholder engagement requires building strong relationships with each stakeholder group. This means investing time and effort in getting to know each group, understanding their needs and priorities, and building trust and credibility over time.
  5. Monitor and Evaluate: Finally, it’s important to monitor and evaluate the effectiveness of your stakeholder engagement efforts. This can include tracking engagement metrics, sharing feedback, and assessing the impact of the campaign on your target audience. Use this feedback to continually improve your stakeholder engagement strategy and refine your marketing campaigns over time.

Stakeholder engagement is a critical component of effective healthcare marketing. By involving all relevant stakeholders in the campaign development process, you can ensure that your campaigns are impactful, aligned with the needs and priorities of your target audience, and build trust and credibility over time.  

Lancashire and South Cumbria ICB’s Primary Care ‘Right Person, Right Care’ Campaign is an example of stakeholder engagement in healthcare marketing. Recognising the importance of collaboration, together we actively engaged healthcare providers, patients, and policymakers to gain insights into the challenges and opportunities in Primary Care.

Are looking to understand your audience, progress your healthcare marketing campaigns, or even increase engagement? If so, get in touch 01282 858200 or 


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Back to School: Content Marketing 2022/2023 Wed, 21 Sep 2022 11:16:54 +0000 Back To School Content Marketing 2022 2023

Back To School Content Marketing 2022 2023

Back to school! The summer holidays are officially over and it’s time to think about marketing for the academic school year ahead. So, one of the first considerations when approaching your marketing strategy should be getting your content calendar together. In this blog we’ve put together a few tips for getting started with your marketing calendar.


The most crucial element of your marketing strategy is ultimately who you are aiming your content at. It’s worth sitting down and really considering what your audience is invested in learning and most importantly why they would want to engage with your school. A great way to do this is to develop several ‘personas’ which will help you identify the kind of content you should be sharing.

A persona is a portrait of your ideal audience that connects with them as real people with real interests and real daily pressures.

When creating your personas consider the demographics, behaviours, motivations and their goals. The more detailed these are, the better understanding you will get about your audience so you can tailor content towards them. Learn more about your audience by investing time to uncover what you may not know about them; this can include 1:1 interviews, social listening, online surveys and open conversations which will really help you to understand your audience’s environment and the best method of communicating with them.

Key events and dates:

There will be countless opportunities to create content and produce marketing collateral around key events and dates which occur throughout the year. However, with your personas in shape, this will help add more detail. When mapping out key events and dates in your 2022/2023 content calendar, don’t just stop at your school dates, consider other popular hashtag holidays or events that your audience may engage with. For example, #thankateacherday, #randomactsofkindnessday. There are loads of online tools which can help you highlight key dates across the year.

Story framework

With your audience in shape and key dates mapped out, you’re ready to set the framework out to tell your school’s story over the next year. This framework will give direction to all your content and ultimately tell the story that your school wants to tell. It will echo your schools’ values which are unique to your school and set you apart from the competition.

Need some more advice on your school’s marketing for the year ahead? Get in touch with our Education experts.

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Virtual open days for schools and colleges – The why, what and how… Mon, 11 Oct 2021 15:02:03 +0000 Parent-viewing-virtual-open-day

The why, what and how of virtual open days for schools and colleges…


Do you have a plan to showcase your school to the potential future students and parents who can’t make your on-site open event due to other commitments, or need to stay at home for COVID related reasons on that date? If not, then keep reading so you don’t miss any untapped opportunities…

Your school or college open day is one of the most important elements of your education recruitment strategy, due to its major influence on the decision making process for prospective students and parents.

As well as the social restrictions COVID-19 has posed, we live in a fast-paced, digital world where ease of accessibility is expected as the norm. Everyone is busy and wants to get answers, information and experiences instantly via a few clicks online.

This is particularly prevalent amongst the upcoming generation and following almost a year of ‘staying at home’, their parents have also adapted and prefer to operate remotely. Your primary school, secondary school, academy, sixth form or college needs to adapt in line with this too.

The solution? A virtual open day.


What is a virtual open day?

An online open day experience for your prospective students and stakeholders to replicate an on-site open day, providing an immersive insight to your school via tailored digital content; including features such as video footage, imagery, website interactivity and 360 tours – accessible from any type of device.

To ensure you capture your whole target audience and enable full accessibility for all, a virtual open day is the perfect complimentary tool to your on-site open event. It will also provide a reminder to the on-site open day attendees who want to recap on what your school has to offer and help them to make that final important decision.

What should be included in a virtual open day?

From our many years of experience helping secondary schools, academies, sixth forms and colleges with student recruitment, here are our top, virtual open day tips on what makes a great one!

  • Start with an inspiring welcome message from your head teacher followed by your main school video or footage, illustrating an overview of your school and its key specialisms and offerings
  • Consider a walk through tour of your school or college, as well as drone footage to take user experience to the next level; creating a realistic feel of your location, outside sports facilities, student social areas and life beyond the classroom
  • An interactive 360 tour of your school is another immersive element, allowing your audience to really explore the school, inside and out, piquing their interest through an engaging online experience
  • Another impactful idea for video content is a meet and greet student feature in the form of interviews, so future students and parents can hear about current pupils’ experiences and thoughts first-hand
  • It can also be beneficial to provide an overview video of lesson taster sessions in different departments; particularly helpful for students moving up to sixth form and college who have specific subject interests
  • Powerful photography can effectively capture the ethos and culture of your school, which you can also showcase from image galleries within your virtual open event
  • An FAQs feature will be helpful for many and you can do this through interactive links to your website, as well as providing access to other useful documents via links to an e-prospectus, application forms and contact pages, providing that vital call to action at the end of the virtual open day experience.


Creativeworld can help

How do I make a virtual open day? How do I plan a virtual open day?

If you’ve got this far, we know these will likely be your main questions! This is where we come in. Creativeworld can help you plan, create, develop, produce and get the most out of a virtual open day – watch one of our educational marketing experts below discussing how Creativeworld can support your school with virtual open day production.


To give you some inspiration, here are some short school videos we’ve created previously that could be used as part of a virtual open day:

De La Salle School


KD Grammar School for Boys


Contact our expert education marketing team for more information about our virtual open day and video production offering for secondary schools, academies, primary schools, sixth forms and colleges, by calling 01282 858200 or dropping us an email here

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5 Reasons why a marketing strategy is vital for your school’s success Thu, 24 Jun 2021 13:44:04 +0000 School Strategic MarketingDo you need to increase admissions to your school or college? Or, recruit new staff? Perhaps you want to re-brand and improve your school or college reputation? Regardless of your objectives, a marketing strategy is paramount to achieving success.

Before you start having a new school website developed or college prospectus designed, take a step back from the tactical areas and reassess your school’s course of action from a strategic perspective, to ensure maximum success and return from your marketing spend.

If you are not 100% sure what your objectives are, or indeed what success really looks like for your school, then it’s important to determine these areas so you can be assured you’re investing in the most effective marketing tools to fulfil your needs.

If this sounds a little overwhelming, we can help! At Creativeworld, we are more than just a website and prospectus design agency – we have a team of education marketing experts and strategists to support your school and provide a full, 360 strategic consultancy service to develop a bespoke marketing strategy and make sure you take the right pathway to success. With over 30 years’ experience in the education sector, the Creativeworld Education team are ready to solve your education marketing strategy challenges!


5 reasons why your school or college needs a marketing strategy…

1. Competitive advantage

A strong marketing strategy will enable your school to identify its unique offerings and features that set you apart from your competitors and clearly position your school in the local area, as well as to your target student demographic.

Creating a distinctive school identity in your area will ensure your marketing activity is consistent and aligned with highlighting what makes you different and preferable to alternative competitor schools.

2. Clear direction to success

Reviewing your current position as a school, determining where you want to be, understanding your target audience, setting measurable and realistic objectives and developing a comprehensive plan of how you’re going to get to your desired position, enables focus and accountability.

You can invest in the most effective marketing and promotion tools which have been selected strategically in line with your goals, so you know your money is well spent and you are not just frittering your marketing budget away randomly in the hope that it ‘might’ solve your marketing challenges, without having any surety that it will.

3. Reputation

Developing a marketing strategy will allow your school to really understand its key target audiences and market niche; from prospective students and parents to existing staff, potential staff and existing students, including their wants and needs, as well as pain points and concerns. Subsequently, you can tailor your school communications consistently across all marketing channels to state how you will fulfil and address these through your unique school offerings and benefits.

Building a positive brand reputation alongside recognition is all about showing your target audience what benefit they will get from your school or college, so understanding their needs and proving how you can meet them is essential to create a strong and favourable brand reputation.

4. Marketing budget management

A sound marketing strategy ensures that every pound you spend on promotional activities counts! We know that a marketing budget can be a limiting factor for many schools and colleges, so developing an effective strategy is essential to get optimal value from your allocated funds. You will avoid making mistakes involving spending money on marketing tools and promotional activities that have low return on investments and don’t support achievement of your school’s marketing objectives.

5. Creative edge

Finally, working with a dedicated agency to develop your school marketing strategy goes hand in hand with gaining distinctive, stand-out, creative themes and ideas for marketing your school or college brand and making you stand out from the crowd. A specialist school marketing agency like Creativeworld, understand your marketing goals and target audience so they can generate new, exciting ideas and recommendations as part of your overall strategy, placing your school in the best position to achieve success!


View some of our education strategic work

Manchester Islamic Educational Trust

Creativeworld Education Spotlight

Why Creativeworld? Our strategic offering for schools and colleges…

Our team and partnerships of education marketing experts have supported over 400 clients throughout the UK and globally; our extensive knowledge and understanding of individual clients’ needs means we can offer…

  • Marketing audits to advise direction and focus new marketing activity where it is needed
  • Internal and external market research to design the right approach
  • Brand co-creation and key message development workshops
  • Marketing plan development, monitor success and offer recommendations
  • Storytelling and content planning
  • Working together to support the delivery and implementation of marketing and branding strategies.

Contact our expert education marketing team for more information about our strategic consultancy offering for schools and colleges, by calling 01282 858200 or dropping us an email here.



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Social Media Day 2019: Tips For Businesses Fri, 28 Jun 2019 09:29:22 +0000

Social media is now a behemoth in the advertising world. As of July 2018, there have been more than 4.1 billion active internet users and 3.3 billion social media users. It’s absolutely ingrained into our everyday lives and for some, it could be argued that it’s growing into an addiction. Having said that, social media also harnesses many positives which, when used correctly by businesses, can have great results when it comes to customer relations and brand perception. So, to celebrate world social media day here’s a few tips we think businesses can use to harness the power of social media effectively if you’re not doing so already!

There are no one-size fits all solution:

This is an important one, no two company’s social media campaigns/strategies are the same. What works for someone else’s business may not work for yours, so the best place to start is going to the root of what you are trying to achieve, define who your audience is and what they want/why they would engage with you, then see how you can add value to them online. Ultimately, no one goes on social media to be sold to; think about why you are there and what you can offer as opposed to aimlessly selling to your audience. Test your strategy and adjust it as you go along. Social media can be a lot of trial and error, the likelihood is you’re going to have to do a bit of testing as you go along so don’t be scared to dip your toes in and try something new.

Prioritise platforms:

There’s no point being on as many social media platforms as you can. When it comes to social, more isn’t better and splitting out your efforts over several platforms and not really being consistent on any of them is a waste of time. Think about where your audience is spending their time and how you can use that platform to reach them. Again, there is no one size fits all solution to this, research what will work for you.

Plan your content:

If you’re stuck on where to start with social media, it’s good to plan ahead; obviously social media requires a lot of ‘in-the-moment’ reaction and engagement but planning your content around certain hashtag holidays and important events (relevant to your business) are great ways to drive engagement and spark conversation with your audience. Most importantly, being organised like this will help you map out content.

Making Your Social Media Marketing Strategy Visual


We’ve touched on this before, but messages with visuals are far more engaging than just text. Try and be as visual as possible with your messages, play with video, whether it be live in the moment from your mobile to producing a professional showreel (if you have the budget). Video is a far more engaging way to reach your audience, so try and think about how you can incorporate it into your marketing strategy.

Our latest social media blogs:

The Power of the Selfie

Tips for Schools on Social Media

More more information about our social media services get in touch on:

Phone: 01282 858200


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The Power of the Selfie Thu, 20 Jun 2019 12:48:40 +0000 The word or act of taking a ‘selfie’ is commonly associated with arrogance and can be dismissed by some as a narcissistic tool to further fuel someone’s ego in order to get more likes on an Instagram post. Yes…sometimes this is the case…but when used in the right way, the selfie can be a powerful tool.

On the 3rd March 2014, you may remember Ellen DeGeneres taking a certain selfie at a certain ceremony that happened to become one of the most retweeted pictures of all time with a whopping 3,270,934 retweets and 2,311,858 likes. What you might not know is that this ‘spontaneous’ selfie moment was actually planned…kind of. Ellen planned to take a selfie with Meryl Streep in the rehearsal of the ceremony and in the moment, live on air, Angelina Jolie, Brad Pitt, Lupita Nyong’o, Julia Roberts, Jared Leto, Kevin Spacey and Bradley Cooper all decided to join in. We’re obviously not telling you to hire a bunch of actors to boost your exposure, what we’re saying is a simple selfie can break down the corporate barriers of your business and make you seem more human to your audience.

The Byroms

Our amazing partners from All4Maternity, Sheena and Anna Byrom, are huge advocates of the selfie, using it at conferences and meetings as a way of sharing milestones and important moments with their audience. Sheena herself is one of the most influential midwives in the world online. This is because she has put in an incredible amount of hard work to be a leading mind in her industry and in the process has built a brand around herself. It’s a transparency which is hard to emulate and because she is so real and emits a refreshing positivity, it ultimately encourages engagement and loyalty from her following. So long as you’re authentic with your approach, it will resonate with your audience.

Here’s what Sheena had to say about embracing the selfie:

‘I found it hard at first doing selfie’s as I was brought up in a time where we were encouraged not to draw attention to ourselves. But I felt the fear and did it anyway, capturing moments and sharing them to raise awareness of issues, or simply to let others experience the moment too, if they are interested! ‘

To conclude, a few selfies used in the right context, mixed with authenticity, can really help build a brand, and on world selfie day, we want to celebrate that.

Takeaways from the power of the selfie:

  • Selfies promote transparency
  • Selfies help break down corporate barriers
  • Selfies encourage engagement
  • Selfies aren’t all that bad
  • Selfies are a powerful tool

Our latest Social Media Blog: Tips for Schools on Social Media

For more social media support get in touch on 


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Creativeworld Appointed as Lead Creative Agency for the Sale of Residential Development, Clonburris Tue, 16 Apr 2019 09:02:22 +0000 The Appointment

Following a number of appointments within the Irish Property Marketing sector and a string of residential development opportunities, Creativeworld is delighted to have been appointed by Savills Ireland to produce the full marketing package for the Clonburris development site based in Ireland.

Clonburris Hardcover Brochure internal 2 sml

About Clonburris

The Clonburris development is made up of two lots. Combined together, the lots provide a unique opportunity to acquire over 100 acres of SDZ land in West Dublin. With both lots combined, the Clonburris development presents a unique opportunity to develop approximately 1,800 residential units and approximately 22,185 sqm commercial, subject to planning permission. The site is located approximately 12km west of Dublin city centre, between the well-known residential suburbs of Lucan and Clondalkin.

What we did

In order to bring these lots to the market, Savills knew that they needed a hard-hitting marketing strategy. With this in mind, they opted for the full marketing suite at Creativeworld. This involved the production of a marketing video, drone photography, responsive website, email campaign, newspaper ads and a printed and PDF brochure for each lot.

We wish the team at Savills Ireland all the best with the sale of the land.

Get a closer look at what we did here.

For more of our projects in Ireland, check out our new Ireland Property Spotlight

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Alex Wood gives an insight into digital marketing apprenticeship Fri, 08 Mar 2019 15:27:08 +0000 National Apprenticeship Week 

As part of National Apprenticeships week, Junior Sales Executive, Alex Wood, gave his insight into digital marketing apprenticeship. Alex joined Creativeworld back in October 2018 as part of the property marketing team and since then has become a valuable member of the organisation. Here’s what he had to say about his experience so far:


I’ve learnt a lot so far during my digital marketing apprenticeship. I’ve learnt about various tools used in marketing and advertising to create an impact on my target audience. These vary from using visual editing tools such as Photoshop, coding to build a website, to using tools such as Premiere Elements to create video content to advertise office space. My apprenticeship has also seen me learn about different photography techniques, social media marketing and SEO.

Junior Sales Executive Alex Wood

Learning about this wide range of different marketing techniques has proved incredibly valuable to my role at Creativeworld. My role as sales executive wouldn’t typically consist of creating videos or using coding on a day to day basis, but learning about the process behind these various tools allows me to thoroughly expand my understanding which I will be able to offer my future clients.


One of the most enjoyable parts of my apprenticeship so far has been meeting new people on my course and different clients at Creativeworld. I’m excited to keep developing my knowledge surrounding digital marketing and look forward to applying it here at Creativeworld. I’ve joined Creativeworld at a really exciting time, with the opening of a new office in Dublin, the appointment of our new director and the launch of our property spotlights and I’m looking forward to my future at this company.

For Alex’s apprenticeship, Creativeworld has partnered with one of the UK’s leading providers of IT apprenticeships, Estio Training.

To find out what’s new at Creativeworld by clicking here 

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New Irish Office. New Website. New Spotlight… Wed, 06 Feb 2019 09:50:12 +0000 Our New Irish Office

We’ve been very busy and we are delighted to finally announce that as a result of our continuing growth as a company, we now have our very own Dublin office.

Our background:

Having worked in the Property Marketing industry for 30 years as a dedicated creative agency, it’s fair to say that Creativeworld has covered the length and breadth of the United Kingdom, creating bespoke marketing material for countless major schemes. As a result of our continued success within the Irish Property Market, it was the natural course of action to open up our new home.

It began with Ulysees…

With every success story, there’s always a starting point. We’re going to take you back to where it all began, 5 years ago when Creativeworld was instructed on its first project within Ireland. At that time, we were well established within the UK property market and decided it was the right time to expand, turning our attention to the Irish Property market. Having already worked with clients such as Cushman & Wakefield, Knight Frank, JLL and many more, we already had a fantastic reputation overseas. However, our relationship with the Irish property market all started with our first instruction from JLL on the Ulysses Portfolio. After the team delivered on the project, word began to spread about Creativeworld. Since then, the Creativeworld team has enjoyed incredible success and has been appointed on some of Ireland’s most high-profile investment opportunities.


Why now?

Within the last 12 months, Creativeworld has seen the Irish property investment market soar, and on the back of this, we knew that 2019 would be the right time to open our new office.

Director James Wood had this to say about the expansion:

‘These are really exciting times for us as a business. Our new office gives us a stronger presence within Ireland as well as a new creative space to collaborate and work closer with our clients.’

The Irish Spotlight

We wanted to share with you just how busy we’ve been in the last 12 months. So to get a closer look at the schemes Team Creative has been involved with within the Irish property market, take a look at our new property spotlight here.


Of course, now we’ve opened up in Ireland, we’ve got our very own website too. Head over to to have a browse of our new website.

 Where to find us

You can find the Creativeworld Ireland HQ at

Digital House, Greenville Place 21 Blackpitts, Dublin 8, Ireland

Call our office on 014470553




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