Tom Cross | creativeworld design - marketing - new media Thu, 07 Oct 2021 13:26:32 +0000 en-GB hourly 1 Tom Cross | creativeworld 32 32 Creativeworld Partners Win ‘Highly Commended’ Award For Smile4Life Campaign Wed, 30 Oct 2019 14:28:54 +0000 The Creativeworld Health Team was honoured to accompany partners, Darwenside Dental practice to the UK’s biggest dental exhibition; the BDIA Dental Showcase 2019. The showcase took place at the NEC in Birmingham at which the practice received the ‘Highly Commended Award’ for their efforts in tackling oral health issues within the region, specifically through their work on the Smile4Life initiative.

Creativeworld with Darwenside Dental practice, accepting the Highly Commended Award for their work in the Smile4Life initiative


For the past two years, Creativeworld has been working in partnership with Darwenside Dental Practice to help improve dental hygiene within the Blackburn with Darwen area. During this period, Darwenside Dental identified that children from Blackburn with Darwen have some of the worst decayed teeth in the country. To tackle this issue, the practice teamed up with Creativeworld to develop the Smile4Life campaign, an initiative which aims to help improve the dental health of 0-5-year olds in the local area and gain a better reputation for healthy smiles.

Through a number of marketing channels, including a Social Media campaign, leaflets, Web support, video and more, the Smile4Life campaign has proved to be a huge success.

The Highly Commended Award given to Darwenside Dental Practice at the BDIA Dental Showcase 2019

Here’s what Gillian Kelly, Public Health Development Manager from Blackburn with Darwen Council had to say about the campaign:

‘The public health team within the council, as well as myself personally, are extremely encouraged by the amazing work your practice has done under the Smile4Life ‘Starting Well’ campaign. The enthusiasm shown by yourself and your staff, to actively go out into the community – both to early years’ settings and children’s centres, encouraging young children to attend your practice – and also have children and early years’ staff attend your practice to show how the staff and your practice are very welcoming to these little children and their parents, is inspiring’.


To encourage visits and engage children, Darwenside and Creativeworld developed a number of materials such as ‘Teeth Cleaning Reward Charts’, ‘Derek the dragon’ (the practice mascot) stickers, goodie bags and more!

Diane Powell, practice manager at Darwenside Dental Practice, had this to say about their work with Creativeworld

‘The team at Creativeworld has transformed our website and social media into something that is now an important part of how we run our business. They are great to work with and always go the extra mile to ensure that they have delivered what is required.’

We’re incredibly proud to have been instrumental in helping Darwenside Dental practice receive this prestigious award and we are extremely pleased that the impact they are having on the community is gaining the recognition that it deserves. We look forward to continuing our relationship with the team at Darwenside and we are incredibly excited to see where we can take the campaign next.

Check out what we do within the Health sector.



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Creativeworld Appoints Financial Services Marketing Expert Fiona Morphet Mon, 16 Sep 2019 11:38:05 +0000 Creativeworld boosts growth with appointment of Financial Services Marketing Expert Fiona Morphet.

Creativeworld has an excellent track record of delivering the highest quality marketing solutions to clients covering a broad range of sectors and most recently their latest appointment means that they can now offer their marketing capabilities to the Financial Services Sector.

Fiona joins the team at Creativeworld as head of the Financial Services division, a role which will see her lead the team in working with Financial Institutions, Wealth Management Firms, IFAs, Investment Companies, Product Providers, Brokers and Distributors to produce bespoke solutions and supporting collateral, utilising a range of media channels in order to engage a full spectrum of users.

Creativeworld Financial Services Marketing Brochure

Check out our Financial Services Marketing brochure here to get a full insight into what we can do. 

Simon Swindells, Director at Creativeworld, had this to say about the appointment:

‘We are thrilled to welcome Fiona on board at Creativeworld. Fiona’s wealth of experience within the Financial Services Sector and technical expertise will prove invaluable to the company, and already she is leading the team on a number of exciting projects which we are looking forward to being able to share with you. As a company, we have experienced some excellent growth within the past couple of years, most recently with our office opening in Ireland, and I am very optimistic for the future, especially when we have such talented individuals like Fiona joining the ever-growing team here at Creativeworld.’

We sat down with Fiona to get her thoughts on joining the Creativeworld team: 

Interview Transcript: 
  1. What is your background and how did you become involved in the Financial Services Sector?

FM: I ran my own digital agency for the last ten years. Very early on we were fortunate enough to become heavily involved with a large corporate finance and investment business who were rapidly expanding their product and service range.

Bringing together a cohesive brand and marketing strategy was essential in getting these products to penetrate an already mature marketplace. Most FS businesses are either seeking to grow their client base and/or capture more funds under management (FUM) – for this to succeed, our work must ensure that the reach of the businesses we are working with continually broadens.

Very quickly, we were able to understand the dynamics of the FS sector and how the different players interacted or competed with each other. A growing number who have seen our work have since become our clients too which is a great validation of what we do.

So whether it’s IM’s, AR’s, fact sheets, interactive presentations or websites etc the trick is to be able to work within the strict boundaries of compliance and regulation, often to extremely tight timescales but always trying to ensure our clients are ahead of the game and their peers.

I have moved to Creativeworld to capitalise on their resources and expertise across multi-channel communications and this will help us to continue to evolve our market leading proposition in a fast moving sector.

  1. What are you most excited about doing at Creativeworld?

FM: I want to continue to provide high-quality, results orientated marketing for businesses operating within the financial services sector. Traditionally, financial marketing is creatively “safe” and quite mundane but when you’re competing in an industry that’s tough, competitive and unforgiving, you need something sharp that gives you an edge to keep you ahead of the game. I’m looking forward to working with our studio to find new ways of pushing the boundaries and bringing content to life.

It’s a fast-changing and challenging marketplace so I want to provide our financial clients with effective and engaging marketing collateral that not only resonates with their audience but also distinguishes them from their competitors.

  1. What do you enjoy the most about your work?

FM: One of the main motivations is sharing in a client’s success after the launch of a new project, having overcome their challenges successfully and taking the project from conception through to completion.

I love building relationships with key people along the way and discussing and overcoming obstacles at the various milestones of the project. Sharing in the excitement of delivering a successful project knowing that you’ve helped a client to win new clients or increase their FUM provides a real buzz and sense of achievement for us too.

  1. What can Creativeworld offer their Financial Services Clients?

FM: We have a proven track record in helping businesses achieve their targets. The FS sector is massively competitive and we have to be a differentiator for our clients in ensuring their message and their own proposition is reaching their target audiences. We are a fully integrated marketing agency which means we offer the full spectrum of bespoke marketing solutions ranging from branding, to print and design, to multimedia presentations, to websites and data rooms, to marketing and advertising.

We work closely with our clients, often as an extension of their in-house marketing team, to understand their challenges and provide engaging and effective marketing solutions. We take away the hassle that can come with bringing financial products and services to the market, meaning that our clients can focus on the actual delivery.

  1. How is Creativeworld different to other marketing agencies?

FM: Financial products and services can be highly complex and difficult to understand; but with more than a decade of high-performance for clients in the Financial Sector, we understand the market space as well as the financial terminology, compliance and regulation along with the constant need to adapt to changes in legislation, often at short notice and through multi-layered sign-off procedures.

It’s this understanding of the Financial Services Industry combined with over 30 years of delivering award-winning design and digital marketing that really sets us apart from other agencies.

  1. What do you like most about Creativeworld so far? 

Creativeworld has a seriously impressive track record over many, many years working with blue chip clients which speaks for itself really. The sheer quality of work produced by our in-house studio is mind-blowing. I’m looking forward to working with the team to build on this success and to deliver equally high-end marketing solutions and collateral to our financial clients.

The CW team are a fairly decent bunch of people too – very friendly and approachable with a great sense of humour. Whatever businesses we are working with, it has to be fun for everyone involved. The best results are achieved when everyone enjoys the mission.

For enquiries about our Financial Marketing Services get in touch with Fiona on:

or call us on 01282 858200

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Social Media Day 2019: Tips For Businesses Fri, 28 Jun 2019 09:29:22 +0000

Social media is now a behemoth in the advertising world. As of July 2018, there have been more than 4.1 billion active internet users and 3.3 billion social media users. It’s absolutely ingrained into our everyday lives and for some, it could be argued that it’s growing into an addiction. Having said that, social media also harnesses many positives which, when used correctly by businesses, can have great results when it comes to customer relations and brand perception. So, to celebrate world social media day here’s a few tips we think businesses can use to harness the power of social media effectively if you’re not doing so already!

There are no one-size fits all solution:

This is an important one, no two company’s social media campaigns/strategies are the same. What works for someone else’s business may not work for yours, so the best place to start is going to the root of what you are trying to achieve, define who your audience is and what they want/why they would engage with you, then see how you can add value to them online. Ultimately, no one goes on social media to be sold to; think about why you are there and what you can offer as opposed to aimlessly selling to your audience. Test your strategy and adjust it as you go along. Social media can be a lot of trial and error, the likelihood is you’re going to have to do a bit of testing as you go along so don’t be scared to dip your toes in and try something new.

Prioritise platforms:

There’s no point being on as many social media platforms as you can. When it comes to social, more isn’t better and splitting out your efforts over several platforms and not really being consistent on any of them is a waste of time. Think about where your audience is spending their time and how you can use that platform to reach them. Again, there is no one size fits all solution to this, research what will work for you.

Plan your content:

If you’re stuck on where to start with social media, it’s good to plan ahead; obviously social media requires a lot of ‘in-the-moment’ reaction and engagement but planning your content around certain hashtag holidays and important events (relevant to your business) are great ways to drive engagement and spark conversation with your audience. Most importantly, being organised like this will help you map out content.

Making Your Social Media Marketing Strategy Visual


We’ve touched on this before, but messages with visuals are far more engaging than just text. Try and be as visual as possible with your messages, play with video, whether it be live in the moment from your mobile to producing a professional showreel (if you have the budget). Video is a far more engaging way to reach your audience, so try and think about how you can incorporate it into your marketing strategy.

Our latest social media blogs:

The Power of the Selfie

Tips for Schools on Social Media

More more information about our social media services get in touch on:

Phone: 01282 858200


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The Power of the Selfie Thu, 20 Jun 2019 12:48:40 +0000 The word or act of taking a ‘selfie’ is commonly associated with arrogance and can be dismissed by some as a narcissistic tool to further fuel someone’s ego in order to get more likes on an Instagram post. Yes…sometimes this is the case…but when used in the right way, the selfie can be a powerful tool.

On the 3rd March 2014, you may remember Ellen DeGeneres taking a certain selfie at a certain ceremony that happened to become one of the most retweeted pictures of all time with a whopping 3,270,934 retweets and 2,311,858 likes. What you might not know is that this ‘spontaneous’ selfie moment was actually planned…kind of. Ellen planned to take a selfie with Meryl Streep in the rehearsal of the ceremony and in the moment, live on air, Angelina Jolie, Brad Pitt, Lupita Nyong’o, Julia Roberts, Jared Leto, Kevin Spacey and Bradley Cooper all decided to join in. We’re obviously not telling you to hire a bunch of actors to boost your exposure, what we’re saying is a simple selfie can break down the corporate barriers of your business and make you seem more human to your audience.

The Byroms

Our amazing partners from All4Maternity, Sheena and Anna Byrom, are huge advocates of the selfie, using it at conferences and meetings as a way of sharing milestones and important moments with their audience. Sheena herself is one of the most influential midwives in the world online. This is because she has put in an incredible amount of hard work to be a leading mind in her industry and in the process has built a brand around herself. It’s a transparency which is hard to emulate and because she is so real and emits a refreshing positivity, it ultimately encourages engagement and loyalty from her following. So long as you’re authentic with your approach, it will resonate with your audience.

Here’s what Sheena had to say about embracing the selfie:

‘I found it hard at first doing selfie’s as I was brought up in a time where we were encouraged not to draw attention to ourselves. But I felt the fear and did it anyway, capturing moments and sharing them to raise awareness of issues, or simply to let others experience the moment too, if they are interested! ‘

To conclude, a few selfies used in the right context, mixed with authenticity, can really help build a brand, and on world selfie day, we want to celebrate that.

Takeaways from the power of the selfie:

  • Selfies promote transparency
  • Selfies help break down corporate barriers
  • Selfies encourage engagement
  • Selfies aren’t all that bad
  • Selfies are a powerful tool

Our latest Social Media Blog: Tips for Schools on Social Media

For more social media support get in touch on 


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Does my school still need a prospectus? Tue, 11 Jun 2019 12:42:55 +0000 In an age where most of your school information is now housed on your website, it begs the question as to whether a school prospectus is actually necessary anymore?

Well, we can assure you that it absolutely is. Despite new technologies making their way into the market and many brochures now being available in digital forms, such as interactive, i-brochures or flip brochures, print brochures still hold an important place in most school’s marketing.

The rise in new technologies can make a prospectus seem less important, but in reality, a well presented and informative prospectus has the potential to make a huge impact on your school’s marketing campaign, and most importantly draw in students from your competitors. The benefits of printing your prospectus really shouldn’t be overlooked, as a well-presented prospectus allows readers to really grasp how the school ‘feels’ and what kind of message they like to portray. Furthermore, people tend to turn away from their screens and look to print to digest important information i.e where they’re going next on their education journey.

The purpose of a school prospectus is to give students a feel of what life is like at your school and getting that right can prove to be challenging for those tasked with putting it all together.

What to consider when creating your school prospectus?

Keep it visual

This is arguably the most important part. When designing print, less is often more, we would recommend using graphics and imagery as a visual aid for text where possible, making the information easier to digest. Create a visual led prospectus tailored around your School brand personality, to showcase your USP’s to your target audience.


Much of the information required will already be led by Ofsted guidance and key content from your website. It is important to carefully consider the copy used throughout, in order to tell a cohesive story that ultimately highlights what your school is all about and links together included sections.

Don’t try and cram too much in:

We would also recommend using the Prospectus as a signpost to the website and your social media channels where appropriate, instead of overcrowding pages by ‘cramming’ in too much information.


The look and feel of a prospectus can be a key detail to consider when it comes to printing your school prospectus. It’s one of the first details someone who picks up your prospectus will notice, so you want to make an impression. Whether you want it to have a soft touch feel, be glossy and shiny or have more of a matte effect, you need to consider how your brochure will ‘feel’ in the hands of a prospective parent.

Case study: De La Salle prospectus

Other blogs:

If you want confidence in a service that will showcase your School or College, contact us!

Dan Palmer:

David Bennett:

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Creativeworld joining the buzz for World Bee Day Fri, 17 May 2019 11:26:51 +0000 Creativeworld is proud to have teamed up with Simply Bees to support their ‘Buzzin’ Bee Day’ at Ightenhill Park in Burnley to celebrate World Bee Day

Creativeworld teams up with the simply bees for world bee day

Who are the Simply Bees?

Simply Bees is a voluntary organisation, they share facts and tips about bee preservation and offer educational sessions to schools and organisations throughout the community. All of their great work is not- for profit with all the proceeds they raise going back to the hives, the bee park and the local community.

What we did

Creativeworld was approached by Simply Bees to design the promotional material for the event which included the creation of banners, banner stands and leaflets. Team Creative was thrilled to be able to support such a great cause within the local community.

Creativeworld team up with simply Bees for World Bee Day

What is World Bee Day?

The purpose of World Bee Day is to raise awareness of the importance of bees and beekeeping, inform the public of major beekeeping events around the world and celebrate World Bee Day. In the long-term, the protection of bees and the beekeeping sector can help reduce poverty and hunger, as well as preserve a healthy environment and biodiversity. Scientific studies have proven that bees have become increasingly endangered.  It is only through joint efforts that we can ensure the protection of bees and their habitats, so World Bee Day is a great opportunity to raise awareness of this huge issue.

What on for Buzzin Bee Day?

There’s lots in store for Buzzin Bee Day at Ightenhill Park to celebrate World Bee Day, such as the welcoming of Simply Bees’ new hives and raising funds to support the Bees and ongoing park improvements. It will be a fun day which will also feature appearances from Lancashire Care’s HARRI, The North West Ambulance service and of course the new Simply Bee Mascot, Bertie Bee. There will be plenty of activities to participate in, as well as food and drink to enjoy, so if you’re in the area and want to support a great cause, make sure you get down.

Check out the great work the Simply Bees team gets up to over on their Facebook page.

For more about our marketing support, get in touch with Dave Bee-net over at 

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Creativeworld Launches Health Spotlight Tue, 14 May 2019 10:32:01 +0000 Just three years after Creativeworld expanded their services into the health sector, we are thrilled to launch our new spotlight on health.

It’s been almost three years since we announced our move into the health and education market and it’s safe to say that we have come a long way since then. The team has worked incredibly hard and built up an excellent body of work which we are delighted to be able to showcase in this spotlight on Health.

The expansion has seen Creativeworld partner with some of the largest health organisations in the country such as Lancashire Care NHS Foundation Trust, North East and North Cumbria CSU, South West Yorkshire NHS Foundation Trust and more to deliver compelling, hard-hitting campaigns to help these organisations deliver their key messages both externally to the public and internally to health professionals. Our work within this sector has seen us make great inroads into the maternity field, in which we have partnered with fantastic organisations such as All4Maternity, Byrom & Byrom and most recently Healthier Lancashire & South Cumbria for the Better Births initiative.


On launching the spotlight, here’s what business health communications consultant, David Bennett had to say:

‘I’m incredibly proud to be able to finally showcase some of the work the team here at Creativeworld has produced within the health market. I’m very passionate about achieving positive outcomes within health services and I really believe the work we have produced is contributing to that vision. It’s been three brilliant years at Creativeworld and I’m looking forward to working together with the team to expand this side of the business even more.’

Take a look at our health spotlight here

For information about our health marketing services head over to 


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Creativeworld Appointed as Lead Creative Agency for the Sale of Residential Development, Clonburris Tue, 16 Apr 2019 09:02:22 +0000 The Appointment

Following a number of appointments within the Irish Property Marketing sector and a string of residential development opportunities, Creativeworld is delighted to have been appointed by Savills Ireland to produce the full marketing package for the Clonburris development site based in Ireland.

Clonburris Hardcover Brochure internal 2 sml

About Clonburris

The Clonburris development is made up of two lots. Combined together, the lots provide a unique opportunity to acquire over 100 acres of SDZ land in West Dublin. With both lots combined, the Clonburris development presents a unique opportunity to develop approximately 1,800 residential units and approximately 22,185 sqm commercial, subject to planning permission. The site is located approximately 12km west of Dublin city centre, between the well-known residential suburbs of Lucan and Clondalkin.

What we did

In order to bring these lots to the market, Savills knew that they needed a hard-hitting marketing strategy. With this in mind, they opted for the full marketing suite at Creativeworld. This involved the production of a marketing video, drone photography, responsive website, email campaign, newspaper ads and a printed and PDF brochure for each lot.

We wish the team at Savills Ireland all the best with the sale of the land.

Get a closer look at what we did here.

For more of our projects in Ireland, check out our new Ireland Property Spotlight

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Meet HARRI – the new-look wellbeing resource on wheels Wed, 13 Mar 2019 10:27:58 +0000 Who’s HARRI?

HARRI is Lancashire Care NHS Foundation Trust’s new-look wellbeing resource on wheels. HARRI stands for Health Advice Recovery Resilience Information and members of the public will have the opportunity to visit HARRI at various scheduled locations and events throughout the year.


What does HARRI do?

HARRI is designed to offer simple health checks and useful advice. People can hop on board, take advantage of the free services and pick up health tips and information throughout the scheduled stops. Furthermore, HARRI is one of the many ways Lancashire Care is reaching out to local communities to promote the positive aspects of mental health and wellbeing, in addition to the other services they provide.


What did we do?

Having worked with Lancashire Care on a number of marketing campaigns, most recently the Quit Squad Smokefree Sidelines campaign, we were appointed to produce the branding, design concept and installation of the graphics for HARRI. To begin with, we collected data from focus group sessions to fully understand what the public wanted from Lancashire Care’s new programme; this led to the creation of several concepts which were based around the key phrases and keywords that were gathered through the sessions, making the engagement vehicle accessible and informative for all across the region. In addition to this, service user designed images were also incorporated into the design in key areas to showcase their involvement with the exciting new project.


Where’s HARRI?

HARRI is now visiting locations across Lancashire Care’s footfall, allowing the public to engage with the Trust and discuss health and social subjects. It’s the perfect vehicle to support communities and promote local services to a wide audience in just a few hours. It couldn’t be easier for experts to highlight their initiatives, raise awareness and discuss residents’ concerns. Find out where HARRI is heading here

Business Development Manager David Bennett had this to say about HARRI:

HARRI is another excellent initiative to help engage with the people of Lancashire. At the same time, HARRI gives Lancashire Care the unique opportunity to gather face to face feedback which can be used to improve future services not only for health but for social wellbeing too. We are so proud to be associated with this project and it is really encouraging to hear that it has already been well received across the region as a great initiative.

As part of our services to Health, we offer consultation, brand development, creative design and much more. For more about our health services click here.


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Alex Wood gives an insight into digital marketing apprenticeship Fri, 08 Mar 2019 15:27:08 +0000 National Apprenticeship Week 

As part of National Apprenticeships week, Junior Sales Executive, Alex Wood, gave his insight into digital marketing apprenticeship. Alex joined Creativeworld back in October 2018 as part of the property marketing team and since then has become a valuable member of the organisation. Here’s what he had to say about his experience so far:


I’ve learnt a lot so far during my digital marketing apprenticeship. I’ve learnt about various tools used in marketing and advertising to create an impact on my target audience. These vary from using visual editing tools such as Photoshop, coding to build a website, to using tools such as Premiere Elements to create video content to advertise office space. My apprenticeship has also seen me learn about different photography techniques, social media marketing and SEO.

Junior Sales Executive Alex Wood

Learning about this wide range of different marketing techniques has proved incredibly valuable to my role at Creativeworld. My role as sales executive wouldn’t typically consist of creating videos or using coding on a day to day basis, but learning about the process behind these various tools allows me to thoroughly expand my understanding which I will be able to offer my future clients.


One of the most enjoyable parts of my apprenticeship so far has been meeting new people on my course and different clients at Creativeworld. I’m excited to keep developing my knowledge surrounding digital marketing and look forward to applying it here at Creativeworld. I’ve joined Creativeworld at a really exciting time, with the opening of a new office in Dublin, the appointment of our new director and the launch of our property spotlights and I’m looking forward to my future at this company.

For Alex’s apprenticeship, Creativeworld has partnered with one of the UK’s leading providers of IT apprenticeships, Estio Training.

To find out what’s new at Creativeworld by clicking here 

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