Branding | creativeworld design - marketing - new media Tue, 19 Sep 2023 14:28:38 +0000 en-GB hourly 1 Branding | creativeworld 32 32 Newground Together Mon, 05 Jun 2023 09:28:53 +0000

Newground Together


This case study focuses on a wall vinyl design and print project for Newground Together, a local business support and training provider. The objective was to create a visually appealing and brand-centric environment for their learning environment to help stimulate and motivate learners. The project involved designing and printing custom wall vinyl for strategic placement throughout the training rooms. 

The design concept focused on creating key motivational quotes that would reflect the training approach provided in the stunning setting of Eanam Wharf, Head Office of Newground Together.

We Incorporated the following:

  • Brand imagery: Utilizing the client’s iconic logo, colour palette, and product imagery to establish a cohesive brand presence throughout. 

  • Inspirational quotes: Integrating motivational quotes related to training, learning and success, adding positive reflections to support the environment.

The team created powerful in-situ visuals to share with the client, these were well received and gave a clear indication of how it would look upon completion. 

Once the design concept was approved, the project moved into the production phase. High-quality, durable vinyl materials were selected to ensure longevity and resistance to wear and tear. Advanced printing techniques were utilised to maintain colour consistence and prevent fading over time. 

Newground Vinyls
Newground Vinyls
Newground Vinyls

The displays were installed following Newground’s health and safety  protocols and seamlessly integrated the vinyls into the existing store environment. At a time that suited the client and our installation team to minimise disruption to the client, ensuring a smooth transition. 

The wall vinyl effectively conveyed the client’s brand image, positive messaging, enhancing brand recognition and customer loyalty. 

Enhancing our clients reputation is key to our service offering, the project completely transformed a learning environment to become an engaging space to learn.  

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Orange Button Campaign Fri, 31 Mar 2023 13:40:22 +0000

Orange Button Community Scheme

01. The Background

The Orange Button Community Scheme was created as part of the Lancashire and South Cumbria Health and Care Partnership’s goal to reduce suicide in the area.

People who are having thoughts of suicide, or who are worried about a friend or family member, can now talk to someone wearing a distinctive orange badge, and ask them for information and support.

The Orange Button Wearers received intensive suicide prevention training, and while they are unable to give counselling, they can signpost people to the relevant services.

There is also an orange button sticker that can be provided to businesses and organisations such as cafes, shops, and pubs to display in a prominent window to notify visitors that trained workers are there to help them.

Orange Button Leaflet
Orange Button Info Card
Orange Button Newsletter

Scheme Aims

Creating a network of organisations that have orange button wearers in place that can be identified, listen and signpost.
Create a community of people trained in suicide awareness that have gained skills, including active listening, from quality assured training.
To ensure all communities are aware of the Orange Button, what it signifies and how people can be involved, by promoting from within the community.

02. Our Solution

Creativeworld were appointed to design and produce all of the marketing collateral for Orange Button Wearer packs. The pack included a 12 page leaflet, info card, orange button, window sticker and a wallet to hold all of the materials.

As part of the recruitment campaign we also produced posters, photography, videos, screen saves, email signatures, indoor and outdoor banners, a newsletter and created a paid social media campaign.

Orange Button Banner Stand
Orange Button Screensaver
Orange Button Banner Stand

03. The Results

200 +



Click through rate

video plays




Orange Button Holders across the region since the launch
We understand the healthcare sector and it’s marketing and communications requirements, from large health campaigns to staff engagement and patient communications, so if you need help solving medical marketing challenges, contact us here or call 01282 858200.
Recent Works
Our team have over 30 years experience in the health sector.

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Primary Care Fri, 31 Mar 2023 13:36:46 +0000

Lancashire and South Cumbria Health and Care Partnership

Primary Care

‘Right Person, Right Care’

01. The Brief

The healthcare system in Lancashire and South Cumbria is under immense pressure owing to the usual winter pressures. GP practices remain operating at levels often exceeding capacity to tackle the backlog of patients created by the pandemic.  

Lancashire and South Cumbria Health & Care Partnership appointed Creativeworld Health to create a campaign to promote the various roles provided within Primary Care services and to use the most appropriate services. 

Primary Care Posters

The Services

Social Media Ads

Video Production

Media & Digital Advertising

Design of Digital Assets


Digital Marketing

Display Advertising

02. The Solution

Based on demographics that were identified in our initial research, we co-developed the concept – “Right Place, Right Care”, the key messages and creative content that resonated with our targeted audiences.  

To maximize the impact of the campaign, through the co-development we ensured that key stakeholders became partners in the project. This encouraged collaboration and helped us achieve a higher impact. 

The marketing and communications strategy was delivered across the region, making sure to reach as many people as possible through various of delivery and partnerships through family influencers and key partners, which helped us reach a wider audience. 

Overall, our targeted and collaborative approach helped us create a successful campaign that resonated with our audience and achieved Lancashire and South Cumbria Health & Care Partnership’s goals. 

Primary care Poster (1)
Primary care Poster (2)
Primary care Poster (3)
Primary Care Poster (4)
Primary Care Screensaver

Key Objectives

  • Awareness of the role of healthcare professionals other than GPs, such as practice nurses
  • How patient behaviour & choices can aid their local NHS 

  • Choosing the correct health service for your needs (GP’s, Dentists, Pharmacy, Nurse, etc)
  • Create a positive and trustworthy ‘brand’  
  • Benefits of the new ways of working/remote consultation 
  • Benefits of the new ways of working/remote consultation  

Social Media Videos

We produced a total of 6 videos as part of the campaign.



Link clicks



Recent Works

Our team have over 30 years experience in the health sector.

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GP Triage Fri, 31 Mar 2023 12:09:20 +0000

NHS St. Helens

GP Total Triage Campaign

01. The Brief

Every day of the year, the NHS is faced with challenges. An ageing population, lifestyle factors, changes in public expectations and rising costs mean increased pressures on services.

Creativeworld worked with NHS St Helens to deliver an effective campaign to help improve patient experience and encourage the public to choose the right service for them, keeping their Emergency Departments free for those who really need it.

‘Let’s Do It Together’ is about highlighting the different NHS services available in each area and aims to give people a glimpse into life at the front line of the NHS.

GP Triage Flyer
GP Triage Banner Stand

The Services

Targeted Paid Social




PPC Advertising

Lets do it Together Logo

02. The Solution

Working closely with the team at NHS St. Helens we created a suite of materials that supported their public engagement plan, in schools, GP practices and out in shopping locations.

These included handy pocket-sized information cards, digital screens, social media graphics, videos, banner stands, and information posters – which give all the details of services available in the community in St Helens and when you should use them as well as advice on NHS 111, accessing GP services, pharmacy, mental health and information on an app for parents of young children.

All of the healthcare marketing material was complemented by an outward-facing engagement team to encourage people to think smarter as to how they access services, self-care and make the right choices.

GP Triage Poster
GP Triage Poster (2)
GP Triage micro ads

Youtube Videos

A total of seven videos created all together

Recent Works
Our team have over 30 years experience in the health sector.

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Spit it Out Tue, 28 Mar 2023 13:20:19 +0000

Lancashire and South Cumbria Health and Care Partnership

‘Spit it Out’ Campaign

01. The Brief

As a longstanding client, Lancashire and South Cumbria Health and Care partnership commissioned Creativeworld once again to develop an internal brand and marketing strategy to implement a staff facing marketing campaign across the region for all NHS staff. To promote the LAMP COVID-19 staff testing programme and to encourage uptake.

Lancashire & South Cumbria led the way nationally in the set-up of a COVID-19 staff testing programme, achieving establishment in just over 3 weeks, driven by the urgent need for action during the pandemic.

With NHS laboratories at capacity and to align with the twice per week government recommendation for testing in the NHS, the newly established testing lab was set up at pace to provide additional resilience for the system and identify NHS employees who were carrying the virus but didn’t have symptoms.

The overarching aim of the campaign was to communicate the importance of testing to ultimately protect patients and the NHS workforce, during one of the most challenging times the NHS has faced.



Campaign Strategy



Promotional Products

Staff Engagement

Spit it Out Banner Stands
Spit it Out Poster
Spit it Out Poster

02. Our Solution

Our health marketing team began with strategic research for the campaign to ultimately create the right messages and visuals to communicate the testing programme effectively. We initially collated feedback to attain insight on what would motivate them to uptake on tests.

The research informed the brand identity and creative design of the campaign which was based on the concept of ‘spitting COVID out of the NHS’. We designed a visual pathway to communicate the process, showing staff how to take part in the programme. Collaborating with NHS employees who the initiative targeted was a key driver in the level of success the programme accomplished later down the line.

To tangibly implement the campaign, we delivered a variety of promotional assets curated to remind and encourage NHS staff to test regularly. This included printed literature; from posters, leaflets and labels for signposting, to bespoke Folder wallets with printed inner pages which made-up a ‘super user resource pack’ for the programme, distributed to each of the locations where staff are based. Furthermore, branded pens, bookmarks, water bottles and t-shirts were developed to reinforce the campaign message via useful, everyday items, as well as creation of a specific email signature designs, screensavers, intranet graphics for use on internal digital communications.

Spit it Out Stickers
Spit it Out T-shirt
Spit it Out Mints
Spit it Out Badge

03. The Results

Following an announcement from the Prime Minister in March 2022 stating that mandatory COVID-19 testing was no longer required, the staff testing programme came to a successful conclusion. At peak times, the laboratory was testing up to 2000 samples per day and in totality, almost 300,000 samples had been processed when the programme closed.

In addition, once adopted in Lancashire and South Cumbria, the campaign attracted the attention of other regions who asked to adapt and use the materials in their areas. The marketing collateral we created was subsequently rolled out across other geographical areas and Creativeworld Health had the pleasure of personalising the campaign for other locations.

Due to its significant success, the campaign is being entered into the Health Service Journal (HSJ) awards, which is the most esteemed accolade of healthcare service excellence in the UK and has also been recently recognised at the national NHS excellence awards.

At Creativeworld Health, we have a wealth of knowledge enabling us to help all departments and areas of the healthcare sector with marketing and communications requirements, from large health campaigns, to staff engagement and patient communications, so if you need help to improve healthy outcomes or marketing challenges, speak to our health sector experts – contact us here or call 01282 858200

Recent Works

Our team have over 30 years experience in the health sector.

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Quit Squad Campaign – Phase 2 Thu, 08 Jul 2021 15:51:02 +0000

Quit Squad Campaign – Phase 2

The client

Lancashire and South Cumbria NHS Foundation Trust is a long-standing, loyal client with Creativeworld. The Trust provides health and wellbeing services across the full county, which covers a population of approximately 1.8 million people. These services encompass community nursing, health visiting and a range of therapy areas, including healthy lifestyle, mental health, giving up smoking, services for young people and support for patients with learning disabilities.

Part of the Trust’s offering is ‘QuitSquad’ – a free, quit smoking service available to help anyone over the age of 12. This service provides guidance on the stop smoking products available and support on changing routines and behaviour, over a 12 week program. You can either self-refer or be referred via a GP and the service includes face-to-face visits from NHS professionals to ensure accountability and strengthen support for individuals where needed.

Quit Squad Roll-Up Banner

The brief

The Trust chose to work with Creativeworld once again to utilise our support in running an effective, regional quit smoking campaign; this follows the first phase of the campaign, alongside other successful health marketing and communication services we have provided the Trust with in the past, examples of which you can view HERE and HERE.

As QuitSquad encourages self-referrals as well as through GP surgeries, advertising goals are two-fold; to gain visibility with all smokers across Lancashire directly and educate health professionals to promote and refer patients to the QuitSquad service.  The Trust’s main objectives for the second phase of the campaign running from Spring – September 2021 is to raise brand awareness by increasing a number of areas – registrations and referral numbers, smokefree promises, App downloads and social media engagement.

In addition, Creativeworld were tasked with creating communication tools to address a particularly problematic demographic of smokers in Lancashire; pregnant women. As found in 2019/20 Lancashire County Council research, “In the Lancashire-12 area, the proportion of pregnant women known to be smokers at the time of delivery (12.8%) is still significantly higher than the England average (10.4%).” When women smoke or inhale second hand smoke during pregnancy, they are limiting the oxygen supply to the baby, making its heart work faster and exposing it to harmful toxins.

The importance of communicating to pregnant women who smoke about QuitSquad’s service to support them in smoking cessation, is very much justified in the shocking facts and figures reported by government agency Public Health England in their stopping smoking Health Matters Guidance, which states that; “Smoking during pregnancy causes: 2,200 premature births, 5000 miscarriages and 300 perinatal deaths each year in the UK”.

Quit Squad Facebook Ads

Our solution

As such an important issue to address, Creativeworld are passionate about helping the Trust achieve successful campaign results for QuitSquad and are confident that our health marketing expertise gained from many years’ experience in the health sector will enable us to fulfil their requirements.

We carried out research to further identify key problematic demographics for the campaign. In addition to pregnant women, we honed in on developing campaign elements to target smokers in the South Asian community, as well as smokers in routine/manual jobs, alongside the wider aim of getting the message out to all smokers in Lancashire.

To effectively show the target audience the benefits of registering with QuitSquad, we developed real-life case studies in the form of short animated videos, sharing the stories of real people in the local area who have given up smoking as a result of the service. We facilitated interviews with 4 individuals to capture their stories and subsequently developed relatable animated videos and voiceover recordings, utilising actors where needed, to portray these people and their positive quitting experiences.

Additionally, we created a host of other supporting campaign elements, incorporating on and offline media methods to maximise reach and visibility via multiple touchpoints which we knew the target audience would be exposed to. We produced radio adverts for airing on local stations Rock FM and Asian Radio, also utilising the case study voiceovers to provide campaign consistency, as well as printed posters, pull-up banner stands and promotional items including stress balls and mouse mats. The promotional products were particularly aimed at heath professionals; a simple branded mouse mat on a desk acts as a daily reminder of the key details about QuitSquad, to equip GPs and nurses with the information they need to encourage patient referrals and therefore, play their part in supporting the overall campaign objectives.

At Creativeworld, we have a wealth of knowledge enabling us to help all departments and areas of the healthcare sector with marketing and communications requirements, from large health campaigns, to staff engagement and patient communications, so if you need help solving medical marketing challenges, speak to our marketing for the health sector experts – contact us here or call 01282 858200.


  • Marketing strategy
  • Focus groups
  • Branding
  • Prospectus design and print
  • Digital prospectus
  • Videos and photography
  • Digital marketing
  • Signage and display materials
  • Paid social media advertising
  • PPC

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Manchester Islamic Educational Trust Fri, 25 Jun 2021 10:24:33 +0000

Manchester Islamic Educational Trust

The client

Manchester Islamic Educational Trust (MIET) comprises of three independent schools; two secondary and one preparatory, named Kassim Darwish (KD) Grammar School for Boys, Manchester Islamic High School for Girls and Manchester Muslim Prep School. The Trust is long-established and collectively provides an empowering, faith based education with the vision of developing a new generation of proud British Muslims, underpinned by their core values of Faith, Learning and Life.

The brief

Following an extensive selection process, MIET chose Creativeworld to support them in achieving an improved brand reputation to differentiate their schools from local competitors, boost student recruitment and ensure consistent external perceptions of all the multi academy trust’s schools. Our wealth of experience developing brand strategies for schools meant we were a perfect fit for MIET’s school marketing requirements.

Our solution

Creativeworld recognised the need to begin this project from a strategic standpoint to make certain that the Trust’s Senior Leadership Team (SLT) and Board understood why a new brand direction was needed to achieve their goals. We know that clarity and active support from leaders is key to a successful education brand strategy implementation, so we worked with each of the school’s SLTs through individual discussions to make this happen.

Following this, we carried out a thorough school marketing audit including primary research via focus groups with the Board, staff, students and parents to attain feedback on current perceptions of the Trust, including the brand, core values, ethos and its future. Analysis of the research enabled us to determine the strategic direction needed and we developed a report of recommendations for presenting to the Board. This was centered around development of a school branding and marketing strategy, covering a re-brand and associated marketing elements, including digital marketing for schools solutions, as well as suggestions regarding an internal re-structure to ensure staff roles were aligned with this new strategic direction, from both an internal and external perspective.

MIET chose to implement all of our proposed recommendations, encompassing new brand development, brand guidelines and a communications toolkit, which we created with a focus upon the Trust’s core values of “Faith, Learning, Life”. Subsequently, in line with the new branding, for each school we designed, built and developed new school websites, school prospectuses (printed prospectus and digital interactive versions), school videos, internal and outdoor school signage, social media support and branding for schools, and delivered a student recruitment campaign.

As a result, MIET now has brand consistency across all three schools; they’ve since achieved over 3 times as many student applications for their previously under subscribed schools and overall, are now clearly showing their external stakeholders they are completely aligned in sharing the same values and strategic direction.


View our Education Spotlight to find out how we can help your school or multi academy trust with branding requirements, and like MIET, how you can take advantage of our range of education marketing services; from branding strategies for schools through to digital marketing for schools solutions, prospectus design, school website design, social media strategy for schools and education signage, or contact our expert education marketing team here.


  • Marketing strategy
  • Focus groups
  • Branding
  • Prospectus design and print
  • Digital prospectus
  • Videos and photography
  • Digital marketing
  • Signage and display materials
  • Paid social media advertising
  • PPC

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Enhanced Care Homes Wed, 11 Jul 2018 16:05:47 +0000

Enhanced Care Homes

Branding – Posters – Banners – Leaflets – Pens – Newsletters

Together a Healthier Future

The client and background

Commissioned by Together a Healthier Future, Enhanced Care in Care Homes is a Vanguard programme for care homes to work closely with the NHS, local Authorites, third party service providers, carers and families to optimise the health and wellbeing of its residents.

In Pennine Lancashire this programme is based on successful initiatives which have been shown to work and delivered within and around care homes in a coordinated way. To help deliver high quality care, efficient and consistent services across the region.

To this end, the client was looking to create a communications campaign to create a brand identity and collateral to assist with the communications of the vanguard in one of only six areas of England.

What we did

Our team created a concept brand that would sit alongside any NHS Trust’s Branding but reinforce the strength of the messages it needed to carry, as part of the branding it would need to be future proof to sit with sub messages and projects to enhance the programme’s key delivery areas.

From this we created subsequent marketing collateral which included a Display system that was used to launch and promote the vanguard programme at the NHS national innovation event at Manchester Central. To support this launch the team at Pennine Lancashire produced a video to communicate the innovations taking place in the region, this included the successful Red Bag Relay Scheme.

The supporting collateral for the vanguard that is now used and shared across the communications with care homes, included an 8 page concertina leaflet, a regular newsletter, decals for the Care Homes and partners to endorse their involvement in the programme.

A regular newsletter is also being produced to profile the effectiveness of the vanguard and share with key stakeholders, service users, commissioners, GP’s and other personnel within the health sector to highlight the ongoing successes.


– Branding
– Posters
– Banners
– Leaflets
– Pens
– Newsletters

Our Last Project

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Coady Supple Sun, 09 Mar 2014 11:21:42 +0000

Our team was exclusively appointed by Irish property giants, Ballymore Group, after being personally recommended by property investment agency specialists Coady Supple, to their newly available London investment Old Spitalfields Market. The brief was to create a bespoke marketing package that showcased the scheme’s potential, personality and its financial standing.

Ballymore Group logo


Old Spitalfields Market is the centrepiece and cultural hub of an area undergoing a renaissance and which benefits from the adjacent physical economic change. The scheme is part of the engine room of a new and growing circuit for social, cultural and retail activity that is becoming known across the world.


The brochure needed to capture the very soul and essence of Old Spitalfields Market and what it signified, giving any reader a real taste of life in the heart of Central London.

Old Spitalfields Market Data Room


An oversized A4 case bound brochure filled with creative photography of the market’s everyday activity was produced. Our digital team also designed a tailor made website and data room platform as part of the scheme’s marketing strategy. The site featured a selection of fully downloadable documents which could be accessed through a secure login system. All downloads could be monitored through a statistics segment, with site traffic readily available to the vendor, allowing them to monitor the activity of interested parties.


“We have been working with the partners of Coady Supple for a number of years having been appointed on a number of their new investment opportunities. They know just how much we pride ourselves on making the small details matter which is why they had no doubts in recommending us to Ballymore for this project. In this industry, each investment you are involved with is completely unique and you have to take that into consideration when you are looking to put it out to the market.”

Clive Wood, Managing Director – Creativeworld

The Balance, Sheffield Sat, 08 Mar 2014 15:08:02 +0000

The Balance is situated in the heart of Sheffield city centre and has proved a popular location for many businesses over recent years. The building has attracted some of the city’s best known businesses including Plusnet, Hill Dickson, Access Computer Consulting, Horwich Farrelly and Protocol Education.


The Creativeworld team was exclusively appointed by leading UK property agency Knight Frank to design a unique marketing and advertising campaign to re-launch ‘The Balance Sheffield’ to the market. With the county of Yorkshire welcoming the Le Tour De France to the area in 2014, we were asked to incorporate a cycling theme into the designs for the new advertising campaign.

logo square


A new brand identity and logo was required in order to fully re-launch the exciting opportunity to the market. With our team having worked closely with leading scheme agents, Knight Frank, on previous projects, we were asked to simply do what we do best. So that’s exactly what we did!


Along with the fresh brand creation and signage came the birth of a brand new website, which was exclusively designed and developed for the scheme by our in-house digital team. The website included a dedicated downloads area along with a photo gallery, location maps and floor plans. To finish off the marketing, we also designed an on brand 6 page ibrochure.

