Digital Marketing | creativeworld design - marketing - new media Mon, 24 Jul 2023 15:35:43 +0000 en-GB hourly 1 Digital Marketing | creativeworld 32 32 Primary Care Fri, 31 Mar 2023 13:36:46 +0000

Lancashire and South Cumbria Health and Care Partnership

Primary Care

‘Right Person, Right Care’

01. The Brief

The healthcare system in Lancashire and South Cumbria is under immense pressure owing to the usual winter pressures. GP practices remain operating at levels often exceeding capacity to tackle the backlog of patients created by the pandemic.  

Lancashire and South Cumbria Health & Care Partnership appointed Creativeworld Health to create a campaign to promote the various roles provided within Primary Care services and to use the most appropriate services. 

Primary Care Posters

The Services

Social Media Ads

Video Production

Media & Digital Advertising

Design of Digital Assets


Digital Marketing

Display Advertising

02. The Solution

Based on demographics that were identified in our initial research, we co-developed the concept – “Right Place, Right Care”, the key messages and creative content that resonated with our targeted audiences.  

To maximize the impact of the campaign, through the co-development we ensured that key stakeholders became partners in the project. This encouraged collaboration and helped us achieve a higher impact. 

The marketing and communications strategy was delivered across the region, making sure to reach as many people as possible through various of delivery and partnerships through family influencers and key partners, which helped us reach a wider audience. 

Overall, our targeted and collaborative approach helped us create a successful campaign that resonated with our audience and achieved Lancashire and South Cumbria Health & Care Partnership’s goals. 

Primary care Poster (1)
Primary care Poster (2)
Primary care Poster (3)
Primary Care Poster (4)
Primary Care Screensaver

Key Objectives

  • Awareness of the role of healthcare professionals other than GPs, such as practice nurses
  • How patient behaviour & choices can aid their local NHS 

  • Choosing the correct health service for your needs (GP’s, Dentists, Pharmacy, Nurse, etc)
  • Create a positive and trustworthy ‘brand’  
  • Benefits of the new ways of working/remote consultation 
  • Benefits of the new ways of working/remote consultation  

Social Media Videos

We produced a total of 6 videos as part of the campaign.



Link clicks



Recent Works

Our team have over 30 years experience in the health sector.

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Quit Squad Campaign – Phase 2 Thu, 08 Jul 2021 15:51:02 +0000

Quit Squad Campaign – Phase 2

The client

Lancashire and South Cumbria NHS Foundation Trust is a long-standing, loyal client with Creativeworld. The Trust provides health and wellbeing services across the full county, which covers a population of approximately 1.8 million people. These services encompass community nursing, health visiting and a range of therapy areas, including healthy lifestyle, mental health, giving up smoking, services for young people and support for patients with learning disabilities.

Part of the Trust’s offering is ‘QuitSquad’ – a free, quit smoking service available to help anyone over the age of 12. This service provides guidance on the stop smoking products available and support on changing routines and behaviour, over a 12 week program. You can either self-refer or be referred via a GP and the service includes face-to-face visits from NHS professionals to ensure accountability and strengthen support for individuals where needed.

Quit Squad Roll-Up Banner

The brief

The Trust chose to work with Creativeworld once again to utilise our support in running an effective, regional quit smoking campaign; this follows the first phase of the campaign, alongside other successful health marketing and communication services we have provided the Trust with in the past, examples of which you can view HERE and HERE.

As QuitSquad encourages self-referrals as well as through GP surgeries, advertising goals are two-fold; to gain visibility with all smokers across Lancashire directly and educate health professionals to promote and refer patients to the QuitSquad service.  The Trust’s main objectives for the second phase of the campaign running from Spring – September 2021 is to raise brand awareness by increasing a number of areas – registrations and referral numbers, smokefree promises, App downloads and social media engagement.

In addition, Creativeworld were tasked with creating communication tools to address a particularly problematic demographic of smokers in Lancashire; pregnant women. As found in 2019/20 Lancashire County Council research, “In the Lancashire-12 area, the proportion of pregnant women known to be smokers at the time of delivery (12.8%) is still significantly higher than the England average (10.4%).” When women smoke or inhale second hand smoke during pregnancy, they are limiting the oxygen supply to the baby, making its heart work faster and exposing it to harmful toxins.

The importance of communicating to pregnant women who smoke about QuitSquad’s service to support them in smoking cessation, is very much justified in the shocking facts and figures reported by government agency Public Health England in their stopping smoking Health Matters Guidance, which states that; “Smoking during pregnancy causes: 2,200 premature births, 5000 miscarriages and 300 perinatal deaths each year in the UK”.

Quit Squad Facebook Ads

Our solution

As such an important issue to address, Creativeworld are passionate about helping the Trust achieve successful campaign results for QuitSquad and are confident that our health marketing expertise gained from many years’ experience in the health sector will enable us to fulfil their requirements.

We carried out research to further identify key problematic demographics for the campaign. In addition to pregnant women, we honed in on developing campaign elements to target smokers in the South Asian community, as well as smokers in routine/manual jobs, alongside the wider aim of getting the message out to all smokers in Lancashire.

To effectively show the target audience the benefits of registering with QuitSquad, we developed real-life case studies in the form of short animated videos, sharing the stories of real people in the local area who have given up smoking as a result of the service. We facilitated interviews with 4 individuals to capture their stories and subsequently developed relatable animated videos and voiceover recordings, utilising actors where needed, to portray these people and their positive quitting experiences.

Additionally, we created a host of other supporting campaign elements, incorporating on and offline media methods to maximise reach and visibility via multiple touchpoints which we knew the target audience would be exposed to. We produced radio adverts for airing on local stations Rock FM and Asian Radio, also utilising the case study voiceovers to provide campaign consistency, as well as printed posters, pull-up banner stands and promotional items including stress balls and mouse mats. The promotional products were particularly aimed at heath professionals; a simple branded mouse mat on a desk acts as a daily reminder of the key details about QuitSquad, to equip GPs and nurses with the information they need to encourage patient referrals and therefore, play their part in supporting the overall campaign objectives.

At Creativeworld, we have a wealth of knowledge enabling us to help all departments and areas of the healthcare sector with marketing and communications requirements, from large health campaigns, to staff engagement and patient communications, so if you need help solving medical marketing challenges, speak to our marketing for the health sector experts – contact us here or call 01282 858200.


  • Marketing strategy
  • Focus groups
  • Branding
  • Prospectus design and print
  • Digital prospectus
  • Videos and photography
  • Digital marketing
  • Signage and display materials
  • Paid social media advertising
  • PPC

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Manchester Islamic Educational Trust Fri, 25 Jun 2021 10:24:33 +0000

Manchester Islamic Educational Trust

The client

Manchester Islamic Educational Trust (MIET) comprises of three independent schools; two secondary and one preparatory, named Kassim Darwish (KD) Grammar School for Boys, Manchester Islamic High School for Girls and Manchester Muslim Prep School. The Trust is long-established and collectively provides an empowering, faith based education with the vision of developing a new generation of proud British Muslims, underpinned by their core values of Faith, Learning and Life.

The brief

Following an extensive selection process, MIET chose Creativeworld to support them in achieving an improved brand reputation to differentiate their schools from local competitors, boost student recruitment and ensure consistent external perceptions of all the multi academy trust’s schools. Our wealth of experience developing brand strategies for schools meant we were a perfect fit for MIET’s school marketing requirements.

Our solution

Creativeworld recognised the need to begin this project from a strategic standpoint to make certain that the Trust’s Senior Leadership Team (SLT) and Board understood why a new brand direction was needed to achieve their goals. We know that clarity and active support from leaders is key to a successful education brand strategy implementation, so we worked with each of the school’s SLTs through individual discussions to make this happen.

Following this, we carried out a thorough school marketing audit including primary research via focus groups with the Board, staff, students and parents to attain feedback on current perceptions of the Trust, including the brand, core values, ethos and its future. Analysis of the research enabled us to determine the strategic direction needed and we developed a report of recommendations for presenting to the Board. This was centered around development of a school branding and marketing strategy, covering a re-brand and associated marketing elements, including digital marketing for schools solutions, as well as suggestions regarding an internal re-structure to ensure staff roles were aligned with this new strategic direction, from both an internal and external perspective.

MIET chose to implement all of our proposed recommendations, encompassing new brand development, brand guidelines and a communications toolkit, which we created with a focus upon the Trust’s core values of “Faith, Learning, Life”. Subsequently, in line with the new branding, for each school we designed, built and developed new school websites, school prospectuses (printed prospectus and digital interactive versions), school videos, internal and outdoor school signage, social media support and branding for schools, and delivered a student recruitment campaign.

As a result, MIET now has brand consistency across all three schools; they’ve since achieved over 3 times as many student applications for their previously under subscribed schools and overall, are now clearly showing their external stakeholders they are completely aligned in sharing the same values and strategic direction.


View our Education Spotlight to find out how we can help your school or multi academy trust with branding requirements, and like MIET, how you can take advantage of our range of education marketing services; from branding strategies for schools through to digital marketing for schools solutions, prospectus design, school website design, social media strategy for schools and education signage, or contact our expert education marketing team here.


  • Marketing strategy
  • Focus groups
  • Branding
  • Prospectus design and print
  • Digital prospectus
  • Videos and photography
  • Digital marketing
  • Signage and display materials
  • Paid social media advertising
  • PPC

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Lancashire & South Cumbria Health & Care Partnership – Suicide Prevention Campaign Fri, 18 Jun 2021 10:46:53 +0000

Lancashire & South Cumbria

Suicide Prevention Campaign

The brief

Creativeworld Health were approached by Lancashire and South Cumbria Integrated Care System (ICS) to tender for the marketing and communications to deliver a suicide prevention campaign to reduce the number of suicides across the region and to alleviate the stigma attached to suicide.


Our solution

The core message that drives the campaign for suicide prevention is  ‘Let’s Keep Talking’, co-developed in partnership with service users and those involved within mental health services and we have developed design concepts for various communications tools tailored to the campaign’s four different key target audience segments (identified through research); children and young people, middle aged men, elderly people and parents with young children.

We identified the most effective methods of reaching these audiences, including both offline and digital healthcare marketing methods, subsequently delivering a wealth of communications tools using the designs consistently across all campaign elements.

The content has been co-developed in partnership with Healthy young minds, local youth groups and educational organisations we collated information to help support the system as well as the campaign.

Regular stakeholder sessions alongside the input from the Police and other organisations enabled us to put together a strong campaign that would resonate with the audience with high impact, we were also able to target specific areas that were known to be hot spots.

The whole system benefited from being connected, this is one of the main drivers of success and that partners continue to be involved and engaged throughout the campaign.

From the research and insight undertaken we identified vulnerable groups and were able to target these through campaigns both online and offline. We created digital ads, bus shelters, phone kiosks, posters, info leaflets and animated videos in 6 different languages for each stage of the campaign, these were shared through the partnership networks, community groups etc.

The “calls to action” were to signpost people to mental health support and also Samaritans. The impact of the campaign helped the to win an award at the 2020 HSJ awards.

In September 2022 the campaign focused on the cost of living crisis and is featured below.

Social Media targeted ads to reach specific audiences based on data from real-time surveillance.

External communications in specific locations are also in place and will be located in prominent areas across the region to encourage people to keep talking and that there is support out there that can help with the cost of living.



The results

The engagement for this campaign has been a success, hits on the website (calls to action) and the reduction of suicides has been “bucking the trend” and has had a huge impact on numbers across the two areas.

In 2019-20, Lancashire and South Cumbria had the third highest rate of suicide in England, so we hope to continue seeing further reductions going forward as we carry on supporting Healthier Lancashire and South Cumbria with their campaign.

Since the start of the programme of work, suicide rates have reduced by over 16%

Additionally, in March 2021, Healthier Lancashire and South Cumbria Integrated Care System were recognised for their vital work when they were crowned winners of the Connecting Services and Information Award at the prestigious Health Service Journal Awards, for the real time surveillance system for suicide prevention project specifically.

Client feedback…

“I am so proud to announce that we have won the HSJ Award for Connecting Services and Information Award- this is down to all of you and the dedication that you have given to the Suicide Prevention Programme over the last couple of years. 

You are all amazing and I am so proud to be a part of this partnership and drive the work forward.”
Louise Thomas, Clinical Network Programme Manager

We have a wealth of knowledge enabling us to help all departments and areas of the healthcare sector with marketing and communications requirements, from large health campaigns, to staff engagement and patient communications, so if you need help solving medical marketing challenges, speak to our marketing for the health sector experts – contact us here or call 01282 858200.


  • Paid social media advertising
  • Display materials
  • Social media animated videos
  • Printed materials
Client Healthier Lancashire & South Cumbria

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North of England Commissioning Support Unit Mon, 19 Apr 2021 09:34:07 +0000

North of England Commissioning Support Unit

Our client NECSU asked us to help support the delivery of their ‘Plasticine People’ campaign and manage patient flow in surge periods for frontline health services.

The plasticine people campaign was developed to raise awareness in the most effective way to influence people’s decisions about best use of health services, and significantly change use of urgent care services across the North East and North Cumbria in order to improve patient flow across the full regional system.

A series of plasticine characters were developed to help highlight a variety of common illnesses or preventable health issues which could be self-treated to help guide the best use of urgent care/A&E/NHS 111.

Our team helped to reach and engage with a wide reaching audience in the North East and North Cumbria through a variety of different channels. This included:

  • Paid and Organic Social media outreach
  • Social Media Influencers
  • Online advertising via Search Engines and Regional News titles
  • Spotify
  • Radio Advertising
  • Cinema Ticket Advertising
  • Public Events (Sunderland Airshow)

We also held a number of GP engagement session with various medical centres in the North East of England to evaluate the visibility of the campaign and directly promote campaign resources with visiting patients.


  • Advertising strategy
  • Media buying
  • Social media marketing
  • Influencer marketing
  • Google Pay-per-click

NHS – North of England Commissioning Support Unit

Education Partnership Trust

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Railpark Thu, 10 Jan 2019 11:04:09 +0000


Maynooth, Co. Kildane

An Exceptional Residential Development Opportunity

Railpark, Maynooth, Co Kildare is a large-scale land holding of approximately 9.29 Ha (22.95 acres) and is located on the eastern side of Maynooth, approximately 1.5km from the town centre. The land in question presents the opportunity for investors to purchase a large-scale residential development with the benefit of proposed LIHAF allocation to ensure future development of the lands.

Given our vast experience within the residential marketing sector, we were approached by long-standing clients Cushman & Wakefield to create the marketing literature for this new residential opportunity. To complement the printed material came the creation of a secure data room which gives potential buyers the full overview of the opportunities the land has to offer.


– Brochure Design
– PDF Brochure
– Dataroom
– Flip Brochure

Cushman & Wakefield
Sherry FitzGerald


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Smile For Life Thu, 08 Nov 2018 10:00:24 +0000

Smile For Life

Darwenside Dental – Family Care

Safeguard your child’s smile for the future

Creativeworld worked with long standing client Darwenside Dental to create a brand & marketing campaign to positively change outcomes in the Blackburn with Darwen region.

In recent times it has become alarmingly clear that children from Blackburn with Darwen have some of the worst decayed teeth in the United Kingdom. The teeth of five-year-olds in Burnley, Hyndburn, and Pendle are almost as bad. Across the four boroughs scarcely half make it to school without fillings or any teeth removed.

It is a shared objective of the Starting Well initiative, Smile4Life, Darwenside Dental and Creativeworld to help improve dental health of 0-5-year olds in the Darwen area to positively address the above outcomes and help gain a better reputation for healthy smiles.

As part of the strategy to achieve this objective, we produced a variety of marketing outcomes in collaboration with Darwenside Dental as part of the campaign including:

  • New ‘Family Care’ Brand to promote best practice for all the family to look after their smiles
  • New ‘Family Care’ Web page
  • Engagement with Schools, Nurseries & Early Care providers in the Blackburn with Darwen area to schedule Practice visits
  • Take Home ‘Packs’ for children to include Rewards Charts / Stickers, 2 Minute Brushing Timers, Toothpaste / Brushes and Fun Informational Leaflets
  • Promotional Campaign posters to advertise in the community
  • Targeted Social Media campaigns


  • Deliverables below
  • Reward Chart & Stickers
  • Dedicated Web Page
  • Information Leaflet
  • Internal Signage
  • Campaign Posters
  • Social Media Campaign & PR
  • Creation of Family Care Brand

Darwenside Dental – Family Care



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Quit Squad Wed, 24 Oct 2018 10:50:01 +0000

Quit Squad

Helping people on their journey to become smoke-free

Our approach

We decided the campaign was going to be focused around telling the story of previous service users who have all successfully stopped smoking with the help of the Quit Squad.

We evolved the existing logo and brand to ensure continuity throughout the campaign. We worked with a selection of existing service users, potential service users, service providers, specialists, commissioners and decision makers in order to get a better understanding of what draws people to the service. Through this process we created “personas” of service users who had succeeded to become Smokefree and had done so by working with the Lancashire Care NHS Quit Squad. These were then used throughout the campaign to positively reinforce the benefits of quitting.

The campaign

The overall message is clear, “You are four times more likely to stop smoking with the help of the Quit Squad”. The campaign is very much based on public facing events, roadshows, face to face, health centre promotion and other locations where the footfall of the audience would be high. Whilst we continue develop the campaign, it is now in its second phase reaching out via social media channels through the use of campaign case study experiences and video related content.


As a result of this activity the service has seen an increase of referrals from partnering NHS organisations into the service. Furthermore, the number of those who have stopped smoking through using the service has increased 5% in the first set of evaluation results. However, the service is continuing to raise the profile and benefits of the service by launching “smokefree sports” to reach out to specific audiences at sporting locations across the region.

‘I chose Creativeworld for a number of reasons; not only do they specialise in Health campaigns, they have a track record in delivering results. The energy and enthusiasm of the team comes across in the visual delivery of the campaign resources and they embed their team into the project to enable the Quit Squad to reach our objectives by reducing the number of smokers in Lancashire and therefore improving healthy outcomes for all.’
Gareth Beck

Team Manager, Lancashire Tobacco & Nicotine Addiction Treatment Service (Quit Squad)


  • Brand Development
  • Social Media Campaign Management
  • Display Boards
  • Adverts
  • Branding
  • Video Creation
  • Leaflets and Posters
Lancashire Care Foundation Trust (Quit Squad)


Colour Pantone

  • #d6006d
  • #3cb4e5
  • #21145f

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One New York Street Mon, 13 Aug 2018 09:37:09 +0000

One New York Street

The ONE destination for business in Manchester

The Opportunity

One New York Street provides Grade A specification and the most impressive working environment within Manchester City Centre. The fitted floor space on offer provides a great blend of contemporary modern office accommodation with stunning views of the Manchester skyline.

Our Approach

Given the location of the office complex, One New York Street needed to be able to really show what made them stand out from the crowd. With this in mind, Canning O’ Neill and CBRE approached Creativeworld and given our vast experience within this field, they opted for the full marketing suite.


– Print
– Displays
– Hoarding
– Agents Launch
– Website
– Social Media

Canning O’Neill


Download Now

Our Last Project

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Cara Group Thu, 05 Jul 2018 14:00:02 +0000

Cara Group

Cara Group opts for a Digital Makeover

Cara Group opts for Digital Makeover for their 25th Anniversary

A decade on…
Almost a decade after Creativeworld originally designed the website for construction experts, Cara Group, they decided it was time to refresh their online presence. What better time to do so than in juncture with their 25-year anniversary; providing a great opportunity to showcase their achievements as a company and continue building on their successes.

Creativeworld worked with Cara to develop the design and structure of the website to ensure the brand was consistent throughout, partnered with a more graphical and interactive navigation.

“It was a pleasure working with the team at Creativeworld in developing our new website. We are very happy with the end result, which better represents our offering and the work we are capable of achieving in partnership with our clients.”

Paddy Grady

Cara Group Director, Cara Group

The Cara website now more accurately reflects who they are; a company that has gained excellent success within the construction industry for over 25 years.


– Mobile Responsive
– Engaging Design
– Simple Navigation
– News Hub

Cara Group


Our Last Project

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