Advertisements | creativeworld design - marketing - new media Fri, 06 Oct 2017 15:14:45 +0000 en-GB hourly 1 Advertisements | creativeworld 32 32 How Social Can You Afford To Be? Fri, 06 Oct 2017 15:14:45 +0000 Creativeworld launches new system which allows businesses to choose their own bespoke social media packages.

It’s become clear that the businesses who aren’t already on social media or simply don’t have a requirement for an in-house team are missing a massive opportunity by neglecting their social media presence. Far too often, we see businesses who simply have a social media page, just to be on there, but with absolutely no content to populate it. We get it, you’re busy, you don’t have the time to update your Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn pages daily. However what needs to be understood is that this is a huge business opportunity for companies to capitalise on.

Bespoke Social Media Packages

A new opportunity for Businesses

Never before have businesses been able to engage their target audience in such an unprecedented way. You have a whole new audience and network of thousands potentially at your disposal. It’s an amazing opportunity for businesses and institutions to add value to the customer experience and build their brand identity online.


Time, Money and ROI

From our experience with working with several businesses such as F-Ball Ltd, Knight Frank and Cathedral Quarter on their social media campaigns, we know what it comes down to – Cost, time and ROI – Both of which are incredibly important factors when it comes to running a business. We understand that some businesses just don’t have the budget to get an in-house social media team, so that’s where we come in. We have now introduced a new, no obligation, social media quotation system which creates packages for any business to suit all budgets. Sometimes when confronted with set prices without it really being broken down, it can be quite off-putting, which is where these new packages are different. They work for small-large businesses and are there to help you choose the package that suits your business.


Some of our Successes

We know that some businesses are skeptical when it comes to social. So we thought we’d bring to your attention some of our successes we’ve had with our clients.

South West Yorkshire Partnership NHS Foundation Trust:

This was a Paid campaign which ran on LinkedIn and Facebook which drew in many excellent applicants from across the country. This led to the successful appointment of the new Director of Strategy role for the Trust.

Creativeworld launches Bespoke Social Media Packages

This campaign saw the successful appointment of the Director of Strategy role at the South West Yorkshire Partnership NHS Foundation Trust

F.Ball Ltd:

Collaborating with Stoke City and England world cup winning goalkeeper, Gordon Banks, to launch a new product range which was met with huge commercial success. This coincided with growing their presence from the beginning of their digital journey and saw them reach over 8,000 followers on Twitter alone.

Creativeworld Launches bespoke social media packages

F.Ball Social Media Micro Ad we produced for 1200 Pro Social Media Campaign


Knight Frank:

When Creativeworld took over Knight Frank’s Manchester-based social media accounts, they saw their following increase by 280% whilst becoming one of the region’s leading agencies online in the process.

Creativeworld launch bespoke social media packages

Knight Frank became one of the region’s leading agencies online when Creativeworld developed their online presence


More of our Social Media Case Studies here 

The Bespoke Social Media Packages

Give our new system a trial, evaluate and develop your strategy to align with your business plans and marketing strategy. Most importantly, work together with us to get the best out of your online presence. Take a look at our bespoke social media packages here 


If you’re not sure which package is right for you, get in touch with our Social Media team:

Adam Wood – Marketing Manager

Dan Palmer – Sales Executive

Tom Cross – Digital Marketing Executive

Contact number: 01282 858200

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International Trade: Eyes on Ireland Mon, 14 Jul 2014 12:55:04 +0000 Despite being one of the UK’s longest standing trading partners and near neighbors, Ireland is often overlooked as a potential market for goods and services by many companies. Those companies could well be missing a trick.

The Enterprise Europe Network (EEN) recently placed more than 20 North West businesses in front of Irish Companies. All met with potential buyers, suppliers, business partners, and exporters, and a number are now keen to build on those initial contacts made. Fiona Castela, European project manager for EEN, says: “There is been a notable increase in the level of demand for EEN and UKTI’s services in Ireland from UK companies.”

One Lancashire business has been making the most of these opportunities, selling their services across the Irish Sea.

Leading North West marketing agency Creativeworld has seen work in Ireland snowball recently.

Last year, it collaborated with Irish property investment and development company Ballymore Group, which saw the team appointed to design and develop a marketing brochure for the sale of its Old Spitalfields Market investment in the City of London. Off the back of the successful sale of this investment, and with the exposure generated in the Irish market, Creativeworld has this year been approached by two of Ireland’s largest property investment agencies, JLL and Savills, which in turn has resulted in solid orders.


Managing Director Clive Wood said:

“Ireland is a very interesting opportunity right now. The country sank into a deeper recession than we did, but it is on its way out. For us in particular, the means that the banks that took properties when businesses went into receivership are putting them back on the market,including the types of £100m plus developments that we deal with.”

“As we are in the creative marketing sector, the only difference between working in the UK and working abroad is the time difference, which isn’t even a hurdle when dealing with Ireland, and having a price in Euros.When putting together a proposal we have to account for currency fluctuations so that we don’t lose out, but we also need to remain competitive.

“However, we are now a trusted name in this sector. We have worked on six £100m appointments recently. Our phone is ringing, which allays worries over price a little.”

The first Irish opportunity Creativeworld was appointed on came from JLL Dublin as they looked to appoint a property marketing agency to created a printed and digital marketing package for the launch of their Ulysses Portfolio.

After completion of the Ulysses Portfolio came a host of other high profile Irish opportunities from both JLL and Savills, which saw Creativeworld produce case bound brochures and secure data rooms for new investment opportunities Central Park Dublin, Heuston South Quarter Dublin and most recently, the Acorn Portfolio, a three shopping centre retail investment.

Via LBV magazine 

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Creativeworld Enjoying Continued Marketing Success in Ireland Tue, 17 Jun 2014 09:45:30 +0000 2014 has seen leading North West marketing agency, Creativeworld, win a host of high profile property tenders from a selection of key international property investment agencies.

The Irish economy has continued to show signs of stabilisation and recovery over the course of this year and with this growth, Creativeworld has seen a strong influx of commercial property marketing requirements come through from a range of Irish based real estate agencies. Last year, we reported our collaboration with leading Irish property investment and development company, Ballymore Group, which saw our team appointed to design and develop a unique marketing brochure for the sale of their Old Spitalfields Market investment in the city of London.

Ulysses Investment Brochure & WebsiteOff the back of the successful sale of this investment, and with the exposure generated in the Irish market, Creativeworld has this year been approached by two of Ireland’s largest property investment agencies, JLL and Savills, which in turn has resulted in Creativeworld producing some truly bespoke property marketing solutions for these latest investment opportunities.

On the recent Irish collaborations, Creativeworld’s London Account Executive, James Wood commented.

“The Irish property market is one that we have seen take real shape in recent months. With our wealth of knowledge and creative experience in the property marketing industry and with the work we have produced, not only in the London, West End and City markets but all over the UK, we are able to offer a comprehensive marketing service all from our North West Studios to clients all over the UK and the rest of the European market.”

The first Irish opportunity Creativeworld was appointed on came from JLL Dublin as they looked to appoint a property marketing agency to create a printed and digital marketing package for the launch of their then, 25 assets strong, Ulysses Portfolio. This included a 120 page D ring portfolio a custom built website and an online secure data room. The finished results were truly unique in every sense of the word, as Creativeworld’s in-house team took design inspiration from the famous Irish modernist James Joyce novel, Ulysses. sml_ulysses1

“The kind of work we are now bringing in from all over the UK is something as a North West marketing agency we are very proud of and excited by. With the team we have in place, and looking to expand in our North West studios, we are able to offer a truly bespoke and unique experience for any client that comes to us. These are exciting times.”

added Creativeworld MD, Clive Wood.

Swiftly after completion of the Ulysses Portfolio came a host of other high profile Irish opportunities from both JLL and Savills, which saw Creativeworld produce case bound brochures and secure data rooms for new investment opportunities Central Park Dublin, Heuston South Quarter Dublin and most recently, the Acorn Portfolio a three shopping centre retail investment.

On the recent work JLL Dublin, Managing Director, John Moran added

“JLL Dublin have worked with Creativeworld on the majority of our recent high profile portfolio sales including Ulysses Portfolio, Central Park and Acorn Portfolio. The team have produced the highest quality marketing material including brochures, websites, data rooms, newspaper ads and webmails. We can always rely on Creativeworld to provide a hassle and stress free service and they understand what it is we are trying to deliver. Having the full suite of services for marketing under the one roof ensures there is always consistency in the range of marketing material that is produced.”

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Creativeworld Exclusively Appointed as Creative Marketing Agency for New Cathedral Quarter Blackburn Development Wed, 23 Apr 2014 12:51:48 +0000  

We are thrilled to announce that Creativeworld has been officially appointed by Blackburn with Darwen Council and Maple Grove Developments as the preferred marketing agency to design, develop and produce all marketing particulars for the most exciting development to come out of Blackburn in recent times, Cathedral Quarter.

We were originally invited in 2013 to tender for the opportunity to produce a full marketing strategy for the exciting development, by joint agents of the scheme Knight Frank and Trevor Dawson. With our extensive experience and reputation within the marketing industry, along with our unique portfolio offering of previous projects, we were perfectly placed to fulfil the requirements to be appointed.

Of the recent appointment, Creativeworld’s Simon Swindells added “Being involved with Cathedral Quarter in particular was something our whole team was keen to be a part of and get involved with. Blackburn is a town with an exciting future ahead of it with big plans and investment coming through and Cathedral quarter is set to become a major part of this future and we are proud as a local business to be a part of it moving forward.”

The new development will create a new, vibrant, mixed use quarter around the Cathedral in Blackburn Town Centre and will comprise a six-story office building, 60 bed hotel for Premier Inn, a range of shops and restaurant space as well as car parking. The buildings are arranged to create a new ‘Cathedral Close’ within which a new public square will be formed.

“Being involved with Cathedral Quarter in particular was something our whole team was keen to be a part of and get involved with. Blackburn is a town with an exciting future ahead of it, with big plans and investment coming through and Cathedral quarter is set to become a major part of this future and we are proud as a local business to be a part of it moving forward.”

Clare Turner from Blackburn with Darwen Council added Creativeworld impressed the team with their understanding and wide experience of the development and property sector. Their professional approach and understanding of the brief has meant they have quickly became a valued part of the team resulting in some already impressive work. We are delighted to work with them to successfully deliver such a transformational regeneration scheme for Blackburn town centre.”

Our team will be given the responsibility of creating a newly developed brand identity for Cathedral Quarter, along with a unique marketing strategy to promote the development to local businesses and people moving forward.


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Creativeworld – Bringing Ideas to Life Fri, 26 Jul 2013 11:45:16 +0000 For those of you who don’t already know, here at Creativeworld we are this year celebrating our thirty year anniversary in the Design and Marketing industry, an achievement that not many North West design agencies can boast.

So when our friends at ‘Live Magazines’ heard about our achievement they were interested to find out a little more about the man behind the company’s success and what drives him forward. We invited their business editor, Tony Dewhurst, down to our Altham Studios to meet our very own Managing Director, Clive Wood, as he talks all things Creativeworld in an exclusive interview with the magazine.

You can read the full interview here at

UK Leading Flooring Giants F. Ball Launch Exciting New Product to the Market Mon, 03 Jun 2013 12:30:58 +0000 When you think of the world of contract flooring as an industry, imaginative thinking and a creative design approach may not be the first phrases that spring to mind. But one business that is continuing to break the mould in their approach to marketing is F. Ball & Co. Ltd.

You only need to look at the company’s forward thinking marketing strategy to see why they have been the UK leaders of flooring preparation and adhesive products for decades, and with the latest addition to their High Performance Smoothing Underlayment Range, Stopgap 1200 Pro, the company clearly continues to lead the way.

This latest innovation to the F. Ball product range is the answer to many contract flooring professional’s prayers; a smoothing underlayment that can deliver optimum performance when applied over old adhesive residues, requiring minimum preparation and offering maximum performance for a perfectly smooth finish… guaranteed.

A new product launch is a vital part of any company’s marketing strategy no matter what industry you’re in. You only get one chance to introduce something new to the market and getting it right first time is essential.

At Creativeworld we have been providing specialist design, marketing and digital media expertise to F. Ball for over 5 years and have enjoyed a fantastic working relationship with them on a whole host of schemes, from new product and promotional launches through to the development of an iPhone app and online competition websites. Creativeworld’s Sales and Marketing Manager, David Bates, commented on the ideal pairing’s latest collaboration. “A new product launch is a vital part of any company’s marketing strategy no matter what industry you’re in. You only get one chance to introduce something new to the market and getting it right first time is essential.”

F. Ball wanted us to come up with a complete product launch package. This included point of sale (POS), promotional posters, press releases, bespoke light box transparencies and a series of promotional adverts to feature in relevant industry publications. A two day product photo shoot was also required. When we work with a company of F. Balls stature it’s important to have a true understanding of what they as a brand represent. Doing this, and by understanding the brand’s core values from the offset, allows us to devise concepts that perfectly complement and enhance in every way.

From initial concept and design, to final creation, the team were on hand every step of the way. This was another exciting project for us to be involved in and we are thrilled with the end results. We wanted to create something eye catching, something that would grab the market’s attention and I think we have managed to achieve that. David added.

Stopgap 1200 Pro is set to revolutionise the way the contract flooring industry works and since the official launch in May 2013, projected sales have soared with F. Ball predicting sales to exceed the seven figure mark in its first full year.

Stopgap 1200 Pro  Stopgap 1200 Pro




Caligen Foam attend Index 2011: 12th-15th April 2011, Geneva, Switzerland Wed, 18 May 2011 11:25:12 +0000  


Caligen attends Index 2011, Geneva, Switzerland

John Skinner, Rowland Murphy, Indir Bijedic, Pas Pirraglia at Index 2011, Geneva, Switzerland

As part of the ongoing marketing drive of Vita Cellular Foams (UK) Limited, Creativeworld have been selected to work closely with several of its divisional companies.


April saw Caligen Foam attending Index 2011 in Geneva, Switzerland.

Angela Mistry of Caligen said, “The stand was taken at the Index exhibition to demonstrate the capability of Caligen Foam in the supply of spool wound tapes supplied under the brand ‘SoftSeal’ for the hygiene market.

Recent innovation in the high specification polyester foam used has resulted in controlled porosity material that aids application in the manufacture of diapers and incontinence products, and in cooperation with manufacturers and machinery suppliers has seen a further growth in the demand for these products.

Activity over the four days at the exhibition was brisk with potential customers from around the globe descending on the show and interest in the spool wound ‘SoftSeal’ demonstrated strong future potential. With Caligen Foam already in development of such a system it was a great opportunity to sit down with potential customers and discuss the outlook for such products. Indeed a number of potential customers have already requested test material once this becomes available.

I would like to thank David Bates and the design teams at Creativeworld for the outstanding service we received designing and co-ordinating the exhibition stand, banner stands and promotional merchandise. The whole stand was turned around in a couple of weeks and we are now working on our next stand for Techtextil in May 2011.”
